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As soon as Jack heard the sound of dogs howling, Jack immediately ran out of the room he was in and towards the front room where Sam and Dean were at.

"Guys, I'm hearing them!" Jack said. "The dog howls!"
"Alright, let's go!" Dean said as both brothers got up and prepared themselves.

Sam went on over to the shelf and grabbed the Goopher Dust while Sam then started making a circle around Jack. Sam then gave Jack the glasses that were dipped in holy oil along with a blade.

"Whatever you do, don't take these off!" Sam said. Jack nodded.

Suddenly, they heard the clock near the dining area of the bunker strike twelve. Not too long afterwards, the lights began flickering and Jack could hear the hellhound growling.

Then, the lights stopped flickering.

"Hello boys..." A voice said in front of them.

As they looked ahead of them, they noticed Crowley. Through the holy oil in the glasses, Jack could see a furry, misty creature with red eyes and sharp teeth. The Hellhound.

"I knew you boys would be setting up all of this hellhound malarky..." Crowley said.
"You're not getting him, Crowley..." Dean said. "Not without us..."
"Unfortunately that's not part of the deal..." Crowley said.
"Deal?" Sam asked.

The brothers looked at Jack, who shrugged.

"The Deal was... Not only would you be sent to Hell after your deal has expired..." Crowley began. "But the Winchesters, Castiel or any friends or relatives would not be able to help you after the deal expires..."
"You didn't tell me any of that!" Jack exclaimed.
"You wouldn't let me finish the deal." Crowley claimed. "You were so caught up in getting your soul back..."
"You wouldn't have said it anyway, Crowley..." Sam said.
"You know me all too well, boys." Crowley smirked.

Jack then held up the blade.

"I wouldn't be using that blade if I were you..." Crowley said.
"Why? Because I'm gonna hurt your pet?" Jack asked.
"She's a very special pet... But not just to me..." Crowley said.
"Yeah, yeah I get it, I'm your son." Jack exclaimed. "If I'm your son, and the future king of hell, why are you trying to kill me?"
"Because, then you can be sent to hell permanently and you can be my slave and servant for the rest of my days." Crowley explained. "Then, once I perish, you will take my place, and this time, you can't say no..."
"I could if I wanted to." Jack said.
"But then you'll be like all the others." Crowley explained. "Prisoners, tortured day by day, infinitely. At least if you're with me that torture stops eventually, and you'll be doing the torturing."
"Which will be torture for me!" Jack exclaimed.
"Believe me my boy, when you are on that throne you won't even be the way you are right now." Crowley said. "Everything will change... For example, you'll want to kill The Winchesters, not side with them."
"Yeah well, we'll be dead by the time that happens..." Dean said.

Crowley glared at him. "Don't be so sure, squirrel..."

Jack still gripped the blade tightly in his hand.

"I still wouldn't be holding that blade if I were you..." Crowley continued.
"Yeah, yeah I get it... Because she's your pet..." Jack said.
"Not mine... Yours..." Crowley said.
"What?" Jack asked.

Crowley looked at the Hellhound then back at Jack.

"Remember that nightmare you had about a day ago?" Crowley asked.

Jack's eyes widened.

"That was me sending you a little message..." Crowley responded.
"S-Signe?" Jack asked. "She's the Hellhound?"
"I told you she was special..." Crowley smiled.

Jack then began panicking.

What the hell is wrong with you?" Jack asked. "How in the hell did you get to her?"
"I just simply transformed her in her sleep..." Crowley explained. "She doesn't even know she's a Hellhound or what she's about to do to you..."
"She has nothing to do with this, let her go!" Jack exclaimed.
"What are you talking about? I had to make it interesting somehow!" Crowley remarked. "Jack, he's lying! He's just tricking you!" Sam exclaimed.
"No tricks this time, Moose..." Crowley said.

Crowley then took a few steps closer to Jack.

"So what'll it be?" Crowley asked Jack. "Will you hold onto that blade and kill your own girlfriend, or will you drop the blade and face Hell like a man? Like a real future king?"

Jack looked over at the Hellhound, then at Crowley, then at Sam and Dean.

Suddenly, he dropped the blade and with his foot, removed some of the Goopher Dust, breaking the circle.

"Jack, no!" Dean shouted.

Sam and Dean started charging after Jack but Crowley used his powers to pin them against a wall. Crowley then looked at the Hellhound.

"SICK 'EM!" Crowley yelled.

The Hellhound, without any hesitation charged and jumped on top of Jack.

Even though the Winchesters couldn't see the Hellhound, they could see Jack screaming in pain and they could see Jack's skin being torn apart and blood spewing out of his chest. They could see blood rushing out of Jack's mouth as he screamed weaker and weaker until suddenly, he was lifeless.

Crowley then looked over at the boys.

"You really need to stop trying to help everybody..." Crowley explained. "Because sometimes, it can literally turn into Hell..."

Suddenly, Crowley snapped his fingers and he was gone and the Winchesters were free from the wall.

Dean ran over to Jack's side and checked Jack's pulse. Surely enough, there was nothing. He then looked up at Sam.

"Sam, he's gone..." Dean said.

Just then, Sam's eyes widened.

"Dean..." Sam said.

Dean turned around, noticing a young woman laying down next to Jack's body. Her nails and fingers covered in blood.

Sure enough, it was Signe.

"Holy crap..." Dean said. "Crowley wasn't lying after all..."

Just as Sam was about to go and check on Signe, she began moving.

She opened her eyes and sat up. At first, she was completely clueless as to what was happening, until she saw the Winchesters, and then saw Jack's torn up body laying right next to her.

She suddenly began panicking and freaking out as she saw the blood from her fingers and her nails.

She suddenly began screaming, and Sam went over and embraced her, trying to calm her down.

Even though both Winchesters knew it wasn't going to do any good.
Hey guys! I might end up changing the title of the story somehow because it's not going with the plot lol. And Signe wasn't originally going to be in this story but I wanted to add an interesting plot twist.

Hope you guys still enjoy this story (And No, Jack isn't dead. Any SPN fan knows certain characters aren't gone forever!)

More to come soon!

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