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Signe's eyes widened as she saw the one she loved right in front of her, but this time, much different than before. He was clearly emotionless, and probably didn't even recognize her.

"Jack!" Signe screamed.
"Yes, my dear, it is your beloved Sean." Crowley stated. "But, he's not Sean anymore, he's different... He's mine."
"How the hell did you get to him so quickly?" Signe asked.
"Time passes by much faster in here than it does up in your mangled up world you call planet earth." Crowley said.

Just then, Sam and Dean suddenly appeared right on the other side of the room. Crowley, without looking said to Dean, "ain't that right Squirrel?"
"What?" Dean asked.
"Dean..." Sam spoke directing him to Jack and Signe being pinned to a wall.

Dean then looked at Crowley seriously.

"I see you taught your pet new tricks." Dean stated.
"That's not all he can do." Crowley said.

Jack then suddenly twisted his wrist around and suddenly clenched it into a fist. Just then, Sam cried in pain as his insides were being twisted.

"Sammy?" Dean asked in a panicked motion. Sam didn't respond. "Crowley, we get it! Make it stop!"
"Why? I'm enjoying the show..." Crowley responded.
"DAMMIT CROWLEY!" Dean exclaimed.

Crowley rolled his eyes before looking at Jack, telling him to stop, which he did, but he had already done enough damage to Sam internally where he couldn't move.

As Jack stood there emotionless, he could feel something inside of him yelling and screaming, as if to be set free. It was the older and more emotional Jack, who was sealed and shut out of his own body after joining Crowley's side. Although he was watching everything as if he was there.

"Crowley you son of a bitch..." Dean mumbled. "Let her go and let us go! We only came to save her!"
"Ahh..." Crowley smirked. "You're very smart. But there was one thing I forgot to mention with the deal."
"Dammit Crowley! Stop with the damn deals already!" Dean exclaimed.
"I swear I'm not making these up, squirrel... I tend to forget about my deals very easily!" Crowley mentioned. "Why do you think there are Crossroads demons sealing deals with people? I can't do them all myself!"
"I feel like I know what you're about to say...." Dean stated. "And you waited for us to get down here to say it."
Crowley smirked. "You're smarter than you look, Squirrel."
"What do you mean?" Signe asked. "What's the deal?"
"This part of the deal states that the punishment of breaking these rules... Is death..." Crowley stated.

Jack then suddenly took out a blade as he approached Signe. Signe tried her best to break herself free of the wall, but to no avail.

Just then, she felt the blade up against her neck.

"Jack..." She whispered. "Don't do this. I love you."

Jack didn't say anything, he just stood there. Deep inside of his emotionless body, Jack was screaming and crying, begging not to have his own self kill her.

Suddenly, Jack backed away and faced Crowley.

"He's trying to escape..." Jack stated.
Crowley looked at the Winchester boys and Signe, then back to Jack.
"Let him pull through." Crowley stated.

Dean looked at Crowley confused.

"But... Sir..." Jack began.
"Don't worry..." Crowley assured. "No matter what, he'll be back here, sealed up inside your emotionless self soon enough."

Crowley looked at Dean again.

"Here that Squirrel? He'll be back..."

Finally, the emotionless version of Jack obeyed Crowley's orders and began letting all of his emotions and other memories come back to him. Then, after a few blinks of his eyes, Jack was back to his old self again, although he was badly shaken up.

Just then, Signe was unpinned from the wall and fell to the ground. Jack immediately ran over and helped her up. Afterwards, they both gazed into each other's eyes. Signe smiled and Jack smiled back, tears strolling through his eyes as they both thrusted their arms around each other.

"I'm so sorry..." Jack whispered to her.
"It's not your fault..." Signe whispered back. "It won't ever be your fault."
"I saw everything..." Jack stated. "I was going to kill you... But I couldn't do anything..."
"It's okay..." Signe assured. "I'm safe now."

Jack and Signe then looked over at Dean, who was by Sam's side. Sam was unconscious, his face extremely pale and his mouth drooling blood.

"Oh god..." Jack said. "D-Don't tell me he's dead!"
"He's not dead..." Dean said. "He might be dying but he's not gonna die."
"How are we gonna get outta here?" Signe asked.
"It's okay, I've got this." Dean assured.

Just then, after a few moments, the four of them were back in their bunker. As they turned around, they noticed Castiel behind them.

"Thanks, Cas..." Dean said.

Castiel only nodded. He then approached Sam and used two of his fingers to touch Sam's neck. After a light glow emitted from his fingers, Sam took a huge gasp of air.

"Hey. You okay?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." Sam nodded.

Dean helped Sam up. He noticed Jack and Signe.

"Jack... Are you okay?" Sam asked.
Jack only nodded. "I'm so sorry, Sam." Jack apologized, a look of guilt and tears in his eyes. "I could've killed you."
"Don't be sorry..." Sam said. "Everything's back to the way it should be."
"For now..." Castiel stated. "Eventually Jack will be the way he was before."
"W-When will this happen again?" Jack asked.
"Sooner than you think..." Castiel responded. "And when that time comes, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Jack sighed and wiped a tear from his eye. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle being locked away inside his own body again, this time forever.

"Let's just enjoy the fact that we were able to set you free from Crowley for now." Dean suggested. "And maybe you guys can both try and do what you were doing before."
"It won't be the same..." Jack said.
"We know it won't... None of it will." Sam agreed.

Signe looked at Jack.

"Let's just take it one step at a time and enjoy every moment of it." Signe smirked.

Jack smiled and nodded before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Hey guys! I hate to say it but the next chapter will be the last chapter! Idk if I'll make a second book to this series. If I will, it won't be until a while from now. If not, I hope you enjoyed reading this story! I definitely enjoyed writing this! SPN and Jack are my two favorite things which is why I made a story involving both!

One last chapter to go!

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