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Dean was leaned against the doorway and watched as Jack's girlfriend Signe was crowded in a corner of a room, sitting absolutely still, possibly still enduring the trauma she just went through.

Sam walked over to him and took him aside in the hallway.

"How is she?" Sam asked quietly.
"She hasn't even moved since she ran in here..." Dean stated. "By the look on her face, she's probably begging internally that this was all a dream."
"Can't blame her for that..." Sam sighed. "I don't want to tell you how many times I thought that way when you were gone."
"Let's not talk about any of that..." Dean said.
"Right..." Sam nodded.

The boys were silent for a moment.

"How are we going to explain this to her?" Sam asked. "She's gonna eventually know what happened was real and demand answers."
"We just tell her the truth..." Dean answered. "Even if the truth seems unbelievably stupid to her, we have to convince her one way or another."

Sam nodded.

Just as the boys made their way into Dean's room again where Signe was, they jolted as they noticed Signe with a blade pointed directly at them, her hand shaking uncontrollably. Her eyeliner dripping down from her face and her hair a mess.

"Whoa, whoa, take it easy..." Dean said calmly.
"I wanna know who the hell you two are and what the hell is going on!" Signe demanded.
"We're going to tell you." Sam assured. "And what we're going to tell you may seem unbelievably stupid and bizarre... But it's the 100% God's honest truth..."
"I-Is it true?" Signe asked. "Is Sean dead? Did I really kill him?"
"You didn't kill him..." Sam assured her. "And he's not exactly dead. In the real world he might be, but he's really been sent to hell."
"What?" Signe asked.
"You were transformed into a Hellhound while you were sound asleep back at your home across the world by a man named Crowley, who happens to be the king of Hell." Dean explained. "He made you a Hellhound to convince Jack to give up and go with him... And that's exactly what happened..."

Signe nodded her head in disbelief.

"This can't be real! You guys are lying and I'm in some sort of stupid dream!" Signe exclaimed. "There are no such things as Hellhounds or the King of Hell!"
"You'd be surprised..." Sam said. "We're hunters... We hunt this kind of stuff. Hellhounds, Ghosts, Vampires, Demons, you name it."
"Yeah." Dean nodded. "We just so happened to be hunting an Anti, who was cloning as Jack and killing all of his friends, so we tried to protect him and capture the Anti. Obviously that backfired and that Anti sent Jack to hell with him. Then Crowley tried to convince Jack to join him as royalty in Hell, because he somehow managed to be his father. And basically, after Jack refused, Crowley turned his soul evil. Then, somehow, Jack was able to escape, but with his soul barely intact, causing him to do crazy and harmful things to himself."

Signe looked almost confused listening to this entire story, but she seemed intrigued by it as well.

"Then, apparently Crowley made a deal with Jack behind our backs in bringing Jack's complete soul back into his body. And obviously, just recently, his deal expired and as all deal's go with him or any other crossroads demon, when your deal expires, a hellhound attacks you and sends you to Hell..." Dean continued.
"Wow..." Signe said, almost laughing. "You really know how to make some story up."
"It's not a story, it's the God's honest truth..." Sam assured.
"Then why can't you bring him back?" Signe asked.
"Because Crowley's deal to Jack which was never told until just now was that nobody who knows him or nobody we know or you know or basically anybody knows can free him." Dean said. "We're trying to figure out something though..."

Signe immediately stood up.

"Alright..." Signe said. "I'm in!"
"No!" Dean exclaimed. "Absolutely not!"
"I'm involved with this now as much as you guys are now, I want Sean out of hell and back up here as much as you guys do!"
"We don't want you involved because we want you to be safe." Sam explained.
"I honestly don't give a crap about my safety anymore..." Signe explained. "After waking up and seeing Sean dead, nothing really matters right now."
"It's going to take a while before we can figure out something..." Sam said.
"Don't worry..." Signe said. "The wait will be worth it."

Dean and Sam looked at each other.

"I like you already, Signe..." Dean smirked.
"I like you too, uh..." Signe said, not knowing their names.
"Oh, I'm Dean and this is Sammy." Dean said.

Signe smiled at the both of them.

"Dean and Sam..." She nodded. "Alright then... Let's get to work..."
How do u like Signe so far in the story?

What do u think will happen while she's on the team? And what do u think they have to do to free Jack?
One more question: Can u see this story as an SPN episode?

Comment below!

More to come!


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