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The guys immediately began making up a plan to try and get rid of the Hellhounds that were after Jack. Or even better, seeing if they could lift the deal.

Sam and Dean went out to buy Goopher Dust and some holy oil, two of the most important items used for a werewolf.

"What're they for?" Jack asked.
"Well, the holy oil is for your glasses, they make you see the Hellhounds." Dean explained. "The Goopher Dust you use to make a circle around yourself to keep the Hellhounds out."
"We're also going to try and trap Crowley so that when and if he comes with his Hellhound buddies, we can trap him and talk him out of lifting the deal." Sam explained.
"You're gonna need a lot more than convincing to get him out of a deal." Jack said.
"That's where you come in..." Dean said.
"Me?" Jack asked.
"You're the future king of Hell, Jack." Sam explained. "If Crowley wants to kill you that badly, he would have done it already."
"So you guys think if I talk to him I can get him to take me off the deal?" Jack asked.
"It's at least an attempt." Dean said. "So if that doesn't work and you do get mauled by Hellhounds, we still know how to get you out."
"How will I know when the Hellhounds are coming?" Jack asked.
"You normally hear howling or growling and you may have a nightmare about it the day the last day of the deal." Sam explained. "And when that moment comes, we'll be ready?"
"What if it does take a while?" Jack asked. "Like a year or two?"
"Then you're gonna have to pal around with us until then, I guess..." Dean said. "Because we're not taking any chances of letting you go."

Jack nodded.
Later on that night, as Jack was sleeping, in his dream, he came across his girlfriend, Signe.

"Signe, what's going on?" Jack asked.
"Jack..." She responded. "It's a trap, all of it!"
"What's all a trap?" Jack asked. "The deal?"
"Crowley's planned something..." Signe answered.
"How the hell do you know about Crowley?" Jack asked. "And what does he have planned?"
"I'm sorry, Jack..." Signe said.

She suddenly snapped her fingers.
Jack opened his eyes and sat up in his bed, nothing but darkness surrounded him. Images of his girlfriend in his dream were racing through his mind. What she said about him and his plan all seemed vague, but it felt like a warning.

What was she warning him about??
Later on that morning, Jack slowly walked into the room, rubbing his eyes exhausted from the lack of sleep he got. He sat down across the table from the brothers.

"Look who got up on the wrong side of the bed today..." Dean said.
"What happened?" Sam asked.
"I-I had a dream." Sean said.
"Like a nightmare dream?" Dean asked.
"I dunno..." Jack shrugged. "But my girlfriend was in it, and she was warning me about Crowley and this plan... And then she apologized and snapped her finger as if she meant to wake me up... I've been awake since then."
"Well maybe this is your nightmare..." Sam said.
"How could my girlfriend be my nightmare?" Jack asked.

Sam and Dean looked at each other. Jack's eyes widened.

"No... No... Crowley is not doing anything with her!" Jack exclaimed.
"Whoa, whoa, we're not saying he is!" Dean said. "With this deal you made, especially with Crowley, he might have the ability to manipulate with you."
"So you're saying he could possibly be controlling my dreams?" Jack asked.
"Possibly..." Dean nodded.
"If that's true why would he be saying that he's planning something?" Sam asked. "Is he actually warning us?"
"He might, but he also might not be." Dean explained.
"If Crowley is manipulating with my dreams, would he possibly be tricking me with nightmares in the future?" Jack asked. "To prevent me from knowing when my date has expired?"
"We're only saying the nightmares are a possibility." Dean responded. "What's definite is the howling or growling... When you hear that, you'll know for sure."
"Just try and ignore the nightmares the best you can..." Sam assured. "Then, when the time comes, let us know and we'll be ready."

Jack nodded.
Later on that day, Dean decided to take Jack out to a bar to keep Jack's mind off of things.

"Why'd you take me here?" Jack asked.
"Well, we don't know when your deal will be up, so we have to make every minute count, am I right?" Dean explained.
"So you're suggesting we get drunk?" Jack asked.
"That's how it goes..." Dean said.
"Okay One, I am Irish, so having drank a lot of whiskey in the past, it's become difficult for me to get drunk..." Jack explained. "Two, if this deal expires a year or two from now, you'll probably have consumed too much alcohol to the point where you die, and three, when this hellhound or Crowley comes when the expiration date gets reached, you'll be too drunk to help."
"Jack, you'd be surprised at how much I drank this crap." Dean said, taking a shot. "Throughout every tough time, happy time, and times in between, I have done nothing but drink beer and take shots."

Jack was going to say something, but he decided not to argue any longer. Instead, both him and Dean took a few shots.
Later on that night, as Jack was back in the bunker and lying in bed, unable to sleep again. He heard a noise that sounded like it came from outside.

But it couldn't have come from outside because everything was soundproof.

But he had still heard it.

A dog howl.
Author's Note!

Sorry for the delay with this story! I hope to make more to this story soon!

What do you think Crowley's plan is, if he has one at all?

More to come!

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