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Sam and Dean, still pinned against the wall, looked angrily at Crowley.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Dean asked.
"Because I got what I wanted and I didn't need him anymore..." Crowley responded.

Crowley then approached Jack, ripping the tape off of his mouth, Jack yelled in pain again.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Jack asked.
"You know I take offense to that!" Crowley said.
"What?" Jack asked.
"I happen to be the King of Hell!" Crowley explained.

Jack smirked a smile, as if he was joking, but then he looked over at Sam and Dean, who were nodding their heads. Jack then grew a serious and scared look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry!" Jack plead.
Crowley sighed, "I'm used to it."

Crowley then walked away from him, but continued to talk.

"Normally I would kill somebody who says that, but you're too important." Crowley claimed.
"How am I important?" Jack asked. "According to my anti-self I'm apparently only supposed to be a servant of yours."
"No... Not just a servant." Crowley responded. "But you're also next in line for the throne..."

Jack's eyes widened, along with Sam and Dean.

"What? How is that possible?" Jack asked.
"Natural selection, my dear boy!" Crowley explained.
"You mean... You're his father?" Sam asked.
"That's impossible!" Jack exclaimed. "I have a father and it's certainly not you!"
"And besides, I can't even imagine you "doing it" with somebody." Dean responded.
"Indeed..." Crowley said, facing Jack. "I did have a small affair with your mother, but she had no clue that I was King of Hell. Then, after finding out she was having a son, I wiped her entire memory of me and waited for twenty-five years until this opportune moment!"
"You knew that this would happen?" Sam asked.
"Of course I did..." Crowley responded.
"And you waited until now to do this?" Dean asked.
"I wanted to involve you idiots somehow." Crowley said.

Jack kept shaking his head, hoping everything Crowley said was a dream.

"No..." Jack said. "I'm not being the next King of Hell!"
"You must..." Crowley said. "It's your duty as... my son..."
"I'm not your son and I never will be!" Jack exclaimed. "And I'm gonna murder you for what you did to my mom!"
"Ah, but if I didn't do that, you wouldn't have been born!" Crowley stated.
"YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Jack yelled.

Just then, Crowley slapped Jack, the noise of the slap echoing throughout the room. A red mark showing on Jack's face.

"YOU don't talk back to ME young man!" Crowley demanded.

Jack looked at him with a serious look.

"Alright..." Crowley mumbled. "You asked for it!"

Crowley then reached in and dug through Jack's chest, Jack screaming in pain. Just then, Jack lost consciousness and Crowley pulled out an orb of light from his chest. He showed it to the Winchester's. Sam shifted uncomfortably and Crowley smiled.

"Remember this, Sam?" Crowley asked. "Remember when they had to take your soul out from Hell? You spent nearly an entire year soulless!"
"You put that back you son of a bitch!" Dean exclaimed.
"Oh, I intend to do that, but first..."

Crowley then started speaking in another language. Suddenly, Jack's soul went from pure white to a devilish red color. Crowley then put Jack's soul back in his chest.

Moments later, Jack woke up, and as he opened his eyes, a bright red color shone through it and then faded.

"Hello Jack..." Crowley said. "Can you hear me?"

Jack turned to Crowley.

"Yes, Father..." Jack said.

Sam and Dean's eyes widened. Crowley then turned to them and smirked a smile before turning back to Jack.

"Well done..." Crowley told Jack. "Now it's time for you to come with me..."

Crowley walked and Jack followed. Jack watched the Winchesters as he passed by.

"Jack, Jack! Snap out of it!" Sam yelled. "Crowley's got you under his control!"
"Jack is long gone now, boys..." Crowley said. "Next time you see him, he will kill you both..."
"We'll see about that..." Dean mumbled.
"Yeah, sure..." Crowley said.

Crowley snapped his fingers and both him and Jack disappeared. Sam and Dean were both finally released from the wall.

"You alright?" Dean asked to Sam.
"Yeah..." Sam nodded.

Dean and Sam then ran over to Cas and helped him up, he could barely stand.

"Cas what happened?" Dean asked.
"Crowley wiped me clean of my energy..." Cas said.
"How long will it take you to get it back?" Sam asked.
"A while..." Cas said.
"Well then let's get you to rest and see what happens later on." Dean said. "Because we really need you right now."
"I'll see what I can do..." Cas said.

Sam and Dean both helped Cas out of the room and into one of the bedrooms where they laid him down.

"He doesn't even have enough energy to teleport himself." Dean said.
"This is gonna be a lot harder than we thought..." Sam said.
"Don't you say that!" Dean said. "We're gonna get the real Jack back!"
"How?" Sam asked.
"That's where Cas comes in..." Dean stated.
"What about Crowley?" Sam asked. "I mean, we can't defeat him without Jack having to go to the throne..."
"We'll figure out something..." Dean said.

Sam didn't say anything, he only nodded. He could tell by the look on Dean's face that he already had something planned, but it wasn't going to be good.
So how do you guys like my plot twist? And what do you think Dean is thinking of?

More to come!

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