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Signe walked into the main area of the bunker, noticing Sam and Dean dressed up in tuxedos.

"Well, don't you boys look spiffy..." Signe said.
"We're dressing up to be FBI agents." Sam responded.
"You guys pretend to be FBI agents?" Signe asked.
"Yeah, it may sound a little weird, but--" Dean said.
"I think it's awesome!" Signe responded.

The two brothers looked at each other.

"Well, lucky for you, you get to be one too!" Dean responded. "Thanks to Sam's computer knowledge, he printed out a fake ID badge for you."

Sam handed Signe a fake ID badge. Signe looked at it and smiled.

"How'd you manage to get a picture of me?" Signe asked.
"I kinda had to look through your Instagram, if you didn't mind..." Sam responded.
"Well you chose one of my better photos." Signe remarked.

Sam smiled back, happy to see Signe satisfied with her badge. The three of them went into the impala and headed off.

"So where are we going?" Signe asked.
"To a case..." Dean responded.
"A case?" Signe asked. "I thought we were figuring out a way to save Sean!"
"Well, this case might have something to do with it." Dean said.
"Wait, this is an Anti case?" Sam asked. Dean nodded. "I thought Crowley set that whole thing up to get Jack into hell with him?"
"Well, looks like he's starting it back up for something else." Dean said.
"And we're actually going to do it?" Signe asked.
"If it means getting to Crowley somehow, then yes." Dean nodded.
"I thought the deal was not to get to Crowley?" Sam asked.
"It mentioned Jack, it didn't say Crowley." Dean responded.
"But why would Crowley want us to do this?" Sam asked.
"That I don't know..." Dean shrugged.

A few moments later, the impala pulled up to a crime scene with several cops and some bystanders. Signe, Sam and Dean got out of the impala, showed their badges to authorities and went into the crime scene.

There was a dead body covered up and a witness completely shaken up right by it.

"This is just like how Jack was the first time we saw him..." Sam remarked.
"Really?" Signe asked.
"Yep." Dean nodded.

The three of them approached the witness and showed their badges.

"FBI?" The witness asked. "What's the FBI doing here?"
"We've been examining similar crimes across the state for a few weeks now." Dean responded. "This is agents Felix, Ken and this is our new recruit, Agent Signe, are you John Jackson?"
"Y-Yes I am..." John nodded.
"John, can you please explain to us what happened?" Signe asked seriously, without any hesitation.
"What I'm about to say is extremely weird..." John stated. "The other cops thought I was lying, or that I was crazy..."
"Try us..." Sam responded.

The man John was moment for a moment before telling his story.

"L-Late last night, I-I was coming home from a party with family." John started explaining. "W-When I came back, I noticed our neighbor George laying dead on my front lawn!"
"Did you see anything suspicious besides the dead body?" Signe asked.
"I saw a man..." John said. "A man who looked just like me! But the thing is, I have no twins!"
"Were the man's eyes glowing or were they turning black?" Dean asked.
"They were glowing!" John responded.

Sam, Dean and Signe looked at each other before looking back at John.

"Alright here's the deal, when these cops leave, call us back and we're going to question you farther." Dean asked.
"What?" John asked. "Why not now?"
"Personal questions that must be talked about in private." Signe answered.
"O-Okay... I guess..." John nodded.

Dean handed John a card with his number on it before the three of them walked off. Before they left the crime scene, Sam stopped and looked at the covered up body. Sam then knelt down and uncovered the backside area and lifted up the shirt, noticing the carving of the anti sign on it.

"It's the exact same carving like the backs of the others!" Sam said.
"What is that?" Signe asked.
"It's a sign that an Anti's responsible for the murder." Dean responded.
"So there's an anti-version of that man running around?" Signe asked.
"Yep." Dean nodded. "And now it's our job to protect him and make sure he don't end up like Sean."
"D-Do you think we could use him to rescue Sean?" Signe asked.
"Possibly." Dean responded. "If Crowley doesn't get to us first with what he's doing."

The group finally decided to leave the crime scene.
Later on that night, the group was back over at John's house. There, they explained everything from the very beginning, from what happened to Jack, to how Signe became involved to that very moment.

"S-So you're saying this might all be some sort of plan?" John asked. "For you guys?"
"Possibly." Sam responded. "Or a plan for us."
"What do you mean?" John asked.
"Since you're involved now with the Anti, chances are that anti will eventually lure you into hell. For what, I dunno... But you'll end up there eventually." Dean explained. "From there, I want you to try and see what Crowley is doing and see if you can get to Jack."
"What?" John asked. "That's crazy! I don't even know what these two guys look like!"
"Crowley wears all black and Jack has green hair, you can't miss 'em." Dean responded.
"Okay, but how will I get out?" John asked.
"We have a friend who will make sure you get out." Dean said. "Don't worry about it, you're in good hands."

John nodded. "I hope so..."
Around midnight, while John and Signe were resting, Sam, Dean were discussing the plan with Castiel.

"That's insane!" Castiel exclaimed. "It won't work!"
"Cas, you've done this type of thing before. Raising people from Hell!" Dean said.
"It's going to be harder than what you've planned it out to be, Dean!" Castiel explained. "Crowley has set this whole thing up for you guys! He knows what you're planning on doing!"
"Of course he does and for once we're going to try and roll with it and see if we can figure something out from there!" Dean says. "Signe's concerned about saving Jack just like we are so we gotta see if there's a way we can somehow get to him! John may be the key!"
"You're making the wrong choice, Dean..." Castiel explained.
"Then what other choice do we have Cas?" Dean asked. "Besides having Jack and soon John suffer in hell!"

Castiel remained silent before disappearing. Dean rolled his eyes and put his hands to his face, completely stressed out.

"Cas still might do this." Sam said.
"He won't, his face told me..." Dean responded.
"So now what?" Sam asked.

Dean looked at Sam.

"I have no clue, Sammy..." Dean responded.

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