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I let her down.

I let her down when she needed me.

I let her down, I couldn't protect her.

Just like I couldn't protect myself.

Just like I couldn't protect Nyomie.

Obviously, unless you are a part of my family, you don't know what I'm talking about.

So let me fill you in.


*2013.River Grove, IL. Volleyball Tryouts*

As I happily make my way to tryouts with nyomie, my mother made me take her with, I am not even thinking about what could happen to her. I should have. 

*time skip*

As I walk out of the gym with everyone else, Nyomie runs up to me crying, I ask her what's wrong, she says nothing. I pull her aside and force her to tell me what's wrong. Apparently a family of bullies (Joey, Alleah, Jeorgie. All relatives. Jeorgie and Joey in 8th, Alleah in 5th) beat her up while I was trying out for the Volleyball Team. I was devastated and Immediately ran to my coach and told her what happened. She helped Nyomie through it, gave her an Ice-Pack, made some reports. And the entire time I could hear Kailua saying "You let her down. She got beat up. And you.weren't.there.) I started to cry quietly, she's always blamed me for this. Said it was my fault I had "Stupid Volleyball" tryouts anyways. And she was right. 

It was my fault.

I'm sorry Nyomie. 


So there. Now you know.

And he he...

Funny story? 

Yesterday I had my uncle talking about how I should've kicked Mark's ass. 

That I should've been strong enough.

But I wasn't.

I'm not.

And I never will be.

Bye guys.

Sorry for letting you down.




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