*whines* overprotective much, ma?!

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12 year old me:I got to sleep over at elly's house!
Ma-what?! Do I even know her parents?!
Ma-*rambles on and on about shit that could have happened*
12:*groans* overprotective much, ma?!
13 year old me: hey ma, can I go to the park with *mystery friends*
Ma-what park?
Ma-no. Absolutely not.
13:why not?!
Ma-too far.
13-*she finally lets me go after making me charge my tiny ass phone and take my keys with.*yes! Thanks ma!
*five minutes later*
Ma-*blowing up my phone*
13-*answers* yellow?
Ma-*panic mode, drives up next to me* what took you so long to answer?!
13:gee, overprotective much ma?!
Current Me:hey ma. *grabs knife*
Ma-where you going with that?!
Me-I need it.
Ma-for what?!
Me-the knife game!
Ma-que knife game?! Give it to me! *tries to take my knife*
me-*whines, hands it to her, grabs a fork*  fork game?
Ma-nope *takes it away*
Me-*grabs chopsticks* chopstick game?
Me-*whines* damnit ma, you're ruining my life!
Ma-*hands me a baby spoon*
Me-... *grumbles* overprotective much, ma?
Me-*grumbles, storms off with spoon*

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