I don't even know what I'm doing.

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It's been a really long time. Here's what you've missed. 

- I go by strictly Tiara now.
- I usually go by she/her pronouns, but I'm Gender Apathetic, so I really don't care.
-I haven't cut in 434 days. 
-I started going to church... so yea. 
-Hm... I'm 5"7.75 (I usually just say 5"8 because fight me xD)
-I weigh 275lbs last time I checked. 
-I'm 16 now- crazy, I know
-I'm still a single pringle- although I recently got out of a relationship so...

Anything Else- Oh! I moved to a different town soooo ye :T

Questions??? I'll answer- PM or Comment I don't care. 

Dear...whomever...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora