Dear Reader.

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Dear Reader,I want you to look into the mirror, and tell yourself you're beautiful

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Dear Reader,
I want you to look into the mirror, and tell yourself you're beautiful.
I want you to say it until you believe it.
Say it, SCREAM it if you have to, push all that negativity away.
You are beautiful, you are unique, and nobody will ever be the same as you, and nobody can ever compare.
Who gives a damn what the world thinks, because one day, you'll make it farther than all the rest of the haters in the world.
All those scars on you? I have them too.
They're what defines you, and you are beautiful.
For all my depressed, suicidal people out there, just know you're worth it.
No matter what anybody says or does, you're worth it.
You are loved and you are worth it.
A wise man said to me,
"There once was a Russian diamond dealer, who'd always carry his most precious diamonds in the coat pocket near his heart. As time went on, delivering diamonds, this man stopped at a bar to relax. Turns out, he drank too much, and got sick outside, as he bent over to hurl, a diamond fell out and he didn't notice. He ended up vomiting all over it. A whole later, a couple of men were using the restroom, and ended up peeing over the diamond as well. The weather eventually froze that diamond. But over time, spring came, and the pee and vomit melted, land was watered, and so was the diamond. And the diamond shone brighter than it ever has before.And Did all that lee and vomit make the diamond any less valuable? Heck No!"
You are that diamond. Each and every one of you.
So what if right now you're submerged in pee and vomit.
All it takes is for someone to notice you, rinse all that badness off, and you'll shine!
Don't think that just because right now your situation is dire, it won't ever get better!
Because guess what?'
It will.
You just have to be patient.
And shine.
Make yourself noticeable.
Because only then will someone notice you and wash you off.
Think of this, today, as Day One, of your life.
Because this is only the beginning.


(Dear Readers, If you know anyone who is struggling, I encourage you to share this with them, because it could help them a LOT...I hope...thank you for reading ^~^)

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