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"No ghost is allowed to bring real-world items into the ghost zone unless they have permission from the king. Bringing these items may result in up to one hundred years prison time." The white ghost sheriff Walker droned on about the various rules

Danny and Sam slipped away as the class listened to the laws of the ghost zone. Walker's guards had taken the long way when taking the class to Walker (as was custom). The class had been in awe at the state of the art prison and of the prison's warden, Walker. They had listened to him in rapt attention. Hopefully they wouldn't notice Sam and Danny's absence.

Sam and Danny rushed through the prison looking for Charon. They ignored the cries of the prisoners in the prison though some of the ghosts did tempt him.

They finally found her near the back jail wall

Cahron smiled when she saw them. She had long limp white hair, faded blue eyes filled with sadness and a small smile filled with hope. She was skinny and her skin was extremely pale. Over all she was beautiful. It was the appearance she chose.

"Hello." She whispered. "What troubles you?"

"My class. My new found journey."
Danny sighed.

Charon laughed hollowly. "Now you know how I feel." Charon was the valkyrie. She guided the souls of the dead and was constantly busy.

"You came for knowledge." Charon continued.

The goth nodded.

"Clockwork forbids me from telling you too much but I will tell you that some of your classmates have received their obsessions..."

"Really? Already!" Danny interrupted surprised.

"You haven't noticed?" Charon murmured to herself.

"What are their obsessions?" Sam asked ignoring Charon's comment.

"Dash's justice..."

"WHAT!" Both Sam and Danny yelled together

"What's wrong with having an obsession with justice?" Charon asked, confused.

"It's just that... Dash didn't seem to care about justice in life." Danny said nervously. Charon could be pretty bipolar like a lot of ghosts. If you said the wrong thing you could be in a world of trouble.

"My king, you still have so much to learn. Dash's last thought were that someone punish the man who did this to him. A person's last thought becomes their obsession.

Now that we finished our little lesson let me tell you about your other classmate's obsessions." Charon smiled. Danny and Sam nodded. It would be extremely helpful if they knew what they were dealing with.

"Mary's obsession is gossip. If you are having a conversation, make sure you know where she is. Leanna's obsession is friendship. If I were you, I'd get her to meet Klemper. It would kill two birds with one stone. Nathan's obsession is Valarie." Danny made a face. "Make sure Nathan never leaves the Ghost Zone or meets the box ghost. Mikey's obsession is Technology. Keep an eye on him. Melody's obsession is secrets."

"That's why she could see me!"

Cahron nodded then giggled.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked.

"I haven't told you Paulina's yet."

Danny paled. Whatever it was it wouldn't be good for him. Especially if Charon was laughing.

"Paulina's last thoughts were for Danny Phantom to save them. Therefore her obsession is..."

Danny blushed then felt tremendously guilty and sad. It was his fault they were dead. He couldn't stand up and help them. It was a bullet for crying out loud! He wanted to cry hearing this obsession but he knew he couldn't. He had to be strong.

He felt he was responsible for all the deaths. Fifteen people were dead in the class. Who knows how many were dead from being in the hallway?

"Nobody died in the hallways or the office." Charon assured Danny. "Only your class was targeted.

That didn't help his guilt. The ghost targeted the class because of him.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"You ruined this Vlad Master's life. He told the ghost to kill you and everyone dear to you."

"Mom! Dad! Jazz! Tucker!" Danny cried realizing the danger his family was in.

"Are safe." Charon assured him.

"How did I ruin Vlad Master's life?" Danny wondered, now that he had been assured.

"You took his world away from him."

"How did I do that? He's still mayor."

"I am not allowed to tell you." Charon sighed. "But I may tell you this..."

"What?" Danny asked.

"Not all of your classmates here are dead. You have to take some of them home to the human realm."


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