Chapter 9

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to @sweettartgotswag for voting and commenting so much! Thank you for your support and amazing feedback. :)

Logan yelled up from downstairs with urgency, "Lilly! Come here!" I sprinted downstairs as quick as I could. This had to be bad. I turned around the corner and into the entertainment room to see some students staring in horror at the television screen. Some whispered to themselves and others had to leave the room. Logan sat on the edge of the couch and pointed at the screen, "Is that your guy?"

I turned to the television and my stomach began to churn at the sight. The blood, the destruction, the people screaming and getting slaughtered, I took my eyes off of the screen and grimaced. "Yeah, that's him."

Steve ran into the room with my cell phone to his ear. He put the phone away from his mouth and motioned to me, "Are you watching it?"

I nodded and ran my hands through my hair stressfully. I put my hair into a ponytail and replied, half in thought, "We need a plan, and fast."

Steve clicked a button and took the phone away from his ear. He spoke louder than usual, "Barton, you're on speaker. Lilly, how fast can the Professor get the team together?"

"Five minutes maybe. Want me to try?"

"I'll do it," Logan took initiative and walked quickly out of the room.

"So where exactly is this?" I asked as I glanced around the room. The students watched us worriedly and turned off the news broadcast. Their country was crumbling before them and they didn't know what to do. I motioned them to just breathe in and out and go do something productive to get their minds off of it.

Barton huffed and answered, "Downtown DC. There's so much damage...We've tried to set up a safe shelter for the survivors, but the majority of them are wounded. We're calling in medical help now."

I dragged my hands down my face in frustration and tried to not overthink the situation. It was simple. Get the bad guys. Save the world. No pressure. "I'm glad you guys are on it. We'll be there in a few to observe the rest of the area and sweep the perimeter."

Steve glanced at me worriedly with his blue eyes and replied to Clint, "Stay safe, Barton."

Barton answered with a hint of exhaustion in his voice, "Will do, Captain."

Steve hung up the phone and handed it to me. He patted me on the shoulder and waited to see if I was okay. I nodded and ushered him out into the hallway to get dressed. Can't fight a war without a uniform.

Peter and Jake walked down the hall, talking and laughing about a show they both watched. Peter glanced up at us and had to do a double take when he saw our faces. He stopped walking and raised both of his eyebrows. "What's going on?"

"We have a problem," I responded and motioned him to our rooms. He got the hint, almost like we talked telepathically, and his smile disappeared. Peter's brown eyes darkened and he looked down at his arm in an unsatisfied way. He never worked it in the field, so this would be an interesting test run.

Jake looked over all of us with curious blue eyes and questioned in an excited fashion, "What kind of problem? Can I help?" His smile grew and he nearly bounced up and down.

Peter saw his excitement and shook his head, "Jake, buddy, you have to stay here. We'll go check it out." If this kid couldn't fight off a school bully, he'd die out there in the field. None of us wanted another innocent fatality on our hands.

Jake slumped over and motioned his unbelief by throwing his hands out. "This is an opportunity to fight with the Avengers and some of the X-Men! I can't pass this up."

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