Chapter 15

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AN: Dedicated to @SN1097 for voting a ton on all three books! :D You are awesome!

"Barton, on your six!" I called out through communications.

Hawkeye spun around quickly and shot an arrow directly at Carnage. The arrow blew up in the creatures face, causing it to jerk backwards in surprise. Barton took a step too far and fell off of the building, but quickly managed to spin around. He aimed another arrow at Carnage. Clint exhaled. Then, he released it. The arrow exploded into black putty and stuck Carnage to the ground. Carnage screeched loudly and attempted to bite the putty off. "Okay. This looks bad," Clint declared as he fell through the air.

"I got you Big Bird," Tony remarked as he flew through the air in his Iron Man suit. He put his thrusters on high and managed to catch Barton before he hit the ground. Tony set him down on the busy battlefield.

Barton nodded in acknowledgement as a 'thank you' and went on to observe the battlefield. Uptown DC was a wreck. Buildings engulfed in flames. Streets littered with cars, loose papers, trash, and blood. The heavy smell of dirt, sulfur, and rotten flesh hung in the air. People hid inside of safe buildings just to stay away from the fight. They were controlled by fear that Loki caused.

Iron Man flew off and distracted Loki, who laughed at Shadow Cat's attempts to trick him. Ira fought hand-to-hand with Black Widow. Deadpool dashed around Omega Red while mocking him. I would tease Wade and land a hit on Omega Red at times. Juggernaut collided with Beast and proceeded to have a competition of rough strength. Clint saw the mismatched opponents and came up with a better solution in his head. He ordered over comms, "Echo, I need you over here with Loki. Shadow Cat, you're with me. I think I figured something out with Carnage."

I made a portal in front of me to block Omega Red's next attack. One of his adamantium whips slashed through the portak with ease, and retracted just as quickly. I rolled to the side and watched as Wade came up behind him. Deadpool tried to slice him on the back with one of his katanas, but the sword snapped as it collided with Omega Red's metal skin. My hazel eyes widened and I responded to Clint, "Little busy here. Why do I need to move?"

"Fine. Don't cry to me when you're covered in whatever is in this arrowhead." Hawkeye lifted one corner of his lips in a lazy smile. Without looking, he shot an arrow at Omega Red. It went off at his feet, causing smoke to rise in the air. Smoke bomb. Clint was pleased with himself. "Cap put me in charge of the Avengers on this mission. Someone has to guide you guys in strategic advances."

I scoffed and avoided a random attack from Omega Red, "It could've been me, you know."

Carnage ripped free from the putty, taking chunks of the tall building along with it. The alien symbiote locked eyes with Clint before it forced its claws into the side of the building and slid down. Hawkeye aimed a few regular arrows at Carnage. Exhale. Release. Exhale. Release. The two arrows hit Carnage right in the back, but the symbiote yanked the arrows right out and broke them in half. Clint winced at seeing his equipment torn and responded, "I've been with the team longer."

Black Widow watched Ira's every move. Her green eyes flickered from Ira's hand to her angry gray eyes. Nat remained calm, her breathing steady. They hadn't come in contact yet, just walked in a circle, eyeing each other closely. Nat scolded her two teammates, "All right, children. Enough bickering. Get back to fighting."

Clint and I agreed simultaneously, "Yes ma'am." We didn't want to get on Natasha's bad side. Not now, not ever. That was a side for missing and dead people. We would probably wind up in the latter.

Carnage hit the ground and charged at Hawkeye. Its large white eyes focused on Clint and didn't look away. Its red and black symbiote skin formed an axe on its right hand. Clint aimed a rocket arrow and it collided with the symbiote's axe hand. Carnage shrieked and bounded once more towards the super hero. Clint held his hand out to Shadow Cat, who ran his way. She halted immediately and waited. Clint shot another arrow at the creature. The arrow released a sonic boom, which sent Carnage into immense pain. The creature clutched its head where its ears would be and shrieked loudly.

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