Chapter 5

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Long time no see lovlies. I know, I know I haven't uploaded in forever but I'll explain why at the end.

Untill then enjoy✌✌

Braden's P.o.V

I rubbed Max's back as he sat hunched over the toilet, he had drunk so much at the party last night. After he woke up this morning I made sure I grabbed his clothes that had managed to fall off, when he was apparently giving the crowd a strip tease. Once we got back to my dorm room, he was right back at the toilet again.

"Come on, let's get you some sleep, we have class tomorrow" I helped Max stand, and dragged him to my bed, gently laying him down.

"I'll, be right back" I said to max, who nodded. I left my room, making sure I had the key before I shut the door.

I made my way through the building, going to find a Starbucks. I figured I might as well get some food, for me and Max.

I really do feel bad about having him, see a blonde bimbo grind on me at the party last ni-. My thoughts cut off as I ran into something hard, catching me off balance and sending me to the ground.

"Ugh" I groaned, rubbing my butt. I looked up, through my hair and saw Taylor, Max's roommate.

"Oh I'm so sor- oh it's just you" he sneered.

"Oh its just you" I mocked, before standing up. I dusted off my backside, while doing so, I swear I caught him glance towards my butt, checking me out. We stood there in awkward silence.

"Ok...well next time watch were your going ok" I mumbled, brushing past Taylor.

"Whatever" he spat, walking away.

Damn what's wrong with that guy.

Taylor's P.o.V (not gonna happen often)

I need to be more careful, if I'm not they'll find out. Staring at his butt...really!! What's wrong with me, he has a boyfriend, who happens to be my roommate! I can't, I just can't get to close to him. I vowed I would never ever, think about another guy that way, and I plan to stick to that vow. We can't have a repeat of the past. I won't allow it.

Braden's P.o.V


I pulled open the door to Starbucks, and was greeted with the strong smell of coffee, and pastries. I strolled my way up to the counter, and order me and Maxie both a Carmel Frappuccino, and a double chocolate chip muffin. The cashier took my order and soon handed me my coffees and muffins.

I entered the dorm room building, Max's coffee in one hand, and muffin in the other. I had finished my coffee and muffin on the walk back.

I pulled out my keys as I neared my dorm, shoving them in the key hole. I opened the door and found that max was still out cold. I set his coffee in the fridge, and his muffin on the table. I left him a note beside the muffin, telling him he had a coffee in the fridge and that I was using the shower. The showers here were communal, meaning a bunch of showers in one room, leaving many people very uncomfortable.

I grabbed my towel and toiletries. Heading to the shower. When I got there, their was only one other guy here. I made my way to one of the showers, and since there are no dividers or curtains, I just peeled my clothes off, and left them on one of the benches along with my towel, the bench was close enough for me to reach, but wasn't close enough to get wet.

I turned the handle, letting the semi hot water cascade down me. I grabbed my shampoo, and massaged it into my head before rinsing it out, I did the same with my conditioner, messaged it in, then rinsed it out.

I reached for my body wash, but felt nothing, realizing I must have forgotten it. There was still only one other person in here, and I guess I could ask them for there body wash. I turned over towards the other, occupied shower.

"Um...hey I know this is weird, but can I uh... use your um... Body wash, I guess I forgot mine?" I stammered as I stood awkwardly under the water.

"Um..yeah sure" the person said, I hadn't seen his full face yet. He turned toward me, giving me a full view of him, I started at his feet and made my way up, not so secretly, taking him in. He had, what looked like nice strong legs, and...he was pretty big, if you know what I mean. His chiseled abs, made him look like a god, as the water dripped down, He also had broad shoulders. His entire body just screamed sex god. I finally looked at his face, only to do a double take. There infront of me was none other than Taylor.


Ok I know I havent updated in FOREVER!!! And I really don't have any good excuses either, I've had all the time in the world tbh, and this chapter has been in my notes since last week, I just couldn't find the, I don't know...inspiration... Power... To upload it, but now that I've changed somethings, I'm gonna upload it YAY!!! And I know, imma a liar, "I'm gonna make it a thing of uploading at least three times a week" *siad in mocking voice* yeah well..that didn't really happen and I'm sorry but ill try.

I love you sooo much guys✌✌✌

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