Chapter 8

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Max's P.o.V

I've been sitting in this little diner for over an hour, chatting and getting to know my new friend, Shawn. Shawn worked part time at this diner, to help pay off his college debt. He was an English major, who was working to be an English teacher. He loved surfing, having grown up here in California, he was raised loving the water.

"So, now that you know alot about me, what do you like?" He questioned.

"Well, I'm majoring in earth science. Me and my best friends all go here" I mentioned, purposely leaving out the fact that I have a boyfriend, I mean, who knows he could be homophobic.

"Do you have, a girlfriend?.... Or boyfriend?" A smirk played on his lips, as my face grew red.

"Oh, um I have a boyfriend, and he goes here to" I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Cool, me and my boyfriend broke up before college, he was going out of state" he said softly. I was surprised, I hadn't expected that.

"So are you gay or...?" I awkwardly asked.

"Bi, actually I swing both ways" there it was, that infamous smirk, that I've seen for the majority of the hour. It fit him though.

"Ohh, have you met anyone since you've been here?"

"Eh, not really" he stated. Just then my phone started vibrating.

"Hello?" I asked. It was Braden.

"Hey, where are you"

"I'm at this diner, I'm hanging out with a new friend, why?"

"I wanted to come see you" I could already imagine the pout, playing on his lips. I looked at Shawn, silently asking him if he wanted to meet my boyfriend, to which he nodded excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.

"Well, come to the little diner, on the east Lawn." With that I hung up.

"Ok, I'm guessing he's on his way" I stated. As I spoke the door, to the little diner opened, I turned expecting Braden, but meet Taylor's eyes instead. I heard him curse under his breath as he neared our table, having to pass our table to get to his.

"Did you see Braden today? I asked, curiosity getting the best of me, I mean Braden was in our room earlier today.

"I-I um N-No" he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. The diner door, chimed, meaning someone had entered. Mine and Taylor's eyes shot towards the door, Braden stood there, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

" ok Braden" I questioned.

"Ye-yeah, its all good" he stumbled his way over, I still didn't believe him, but I didn't push further.

Both Braden and Taylor were red. They dodged each others gazes.

"Ok, I have no idea what's going on" I blurted.

"Nothing" both boys shot out in unison. I looked at them skeptically.

"Bye" Taylor mumbled, rushing over to his booth. I glanced at Braden, he held his gaze on the table. Sensing the awkward tension, Shawn quickly made small talk.

"So who was that guy?" Shawn asked, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he glanced at Taylor. I scoffed.

"He's my roommate, who happens to be very homophobic, that was the longest time he's ever spent by me, without being an asshole, so don't even think about him" I glared at Shawn. Shawn held his hands up in surrender.

"Ok, ok but I could change his view on gays" a mischievous look, took over his face. I laughed at that, a pout soon covered shawns face.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Braden this is Shawn, he's my new friend, and Shawn this is Braden" I introduced. They seemed to get along well.

"Well I should get going" Shawn said, after another hour had passed, Braden and him seemed to get along well together.

"Ok, well bye call me sometime and we'll hang" I said, pulling him into a bro hug.

We all left the little diner, Shawn heading in the opposite direction of me and Braden.

"Hey, there's a frat party tonight, do you wanna go?" Braden asked.

"Um, I don't know, last time we went to a party things didn't turn out so well" I mentioned.

"Come on, nothing bad will happen tonight I promise" he assured, I hesitated, before slowly nodding my head in agreement.


Whats gonna happen at this party? Will Max ever find out why Braden is acting so wierd?

Well untill next time babes ✌✌✌

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