Garbage Girl

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I woke up and heard my tummy grumble, I started to think, maybe I have to eat from the garbage but even thinking about it makes me feel disgusted but I guess that's the only thing I have. I jumped up a bit a bit and I started to hear a bunch of boys shout out, "Aye yo garbage girl!!", they snickered foolishly. I shook my head and reached for an unsealed chocolate bar that was at the bottom, when I reached further, I slipped in. i heard a bunch of laughing and then I felt this sharper pain in my ankle, I looked down to see my ankle bleeding, I looked closer to see a piece of glass jammed in. I teared up and pulled it out quickly as I screamed in pain, "Garbage girl having sex in the garbage with a hobo?!", they said obnoxiously. I looked at the garbage dump and saw something peeking out, it looked Iike my brown shoulder bag, I quickly tugged at it and looked inside to see my stuff, except the cocaine. I sighed and crossed the street, I heard voices up ahead, it was the same voices that called me a bunch of names. I looked ahead to see a bunch of boys with no shirt on and basketball shorts with Nike shoes. I walked straight ahead and I peaked at the whole crew, they were laughing foolishly as one stood there brave and bold.

Boy : Yo Malcom. laughing Don't say that, you too rude, n*gga.

Malcom : I ain't care, the girl looking like a bag of chewed up skittles.

Boys : CAAAH HAAAA!!!! laughing hard

I rolled my eyes at him and felt a bit tired, I looked at my ankle and stared at the blood droppings on the sidewalk. 

Malcom : Oh, shawty a virgin that's why, I see why she got that unibrow because she be that unicorn. grins

Boys : laughs

Boy : Boy you dumb, her ankle is bleeding, we should help her.. chuckles

Malcom : Shut up, Melvin..I ain't wanna get no germs, by the look, she got plenty of them and if you wanna help go save your dancing unicorn, there's your cinderella.

Melvin : Naw man, I ain't like that sh*t.

Boys : laughs hard 

I teared up and a tear fell down my cheek as I limped away from them.

Boys : Awwwwww, she's crying.

Malcom : Good, now she can bathe in her stank tears because shawty need to buy a shower.

Boy : Where she gon' get money.

Malcom Oh yeah, oh sh*t. jogs his way to her Aye yo shawty, aye yo shawty!

Bri : ignores the and rolls eyes 

Malcom : You ignoring me?, Aw, baby..I thought you and Calv was gon' make dirty babies, havethem twerking for money and sh*t? puts on a fake sympathetic look

Boys : laughs hard

Melvin : -.- That ain't cool cous.

Malcom : Whatever, she got that black big juicy booty though.

Boys : laughs hard

I could only make it to a small alley that was at the end, I sighed as I place my bag on the floor and I sat right next to it, it's gonna be a hard life. I started to think about school also, I don't think I will ever go back, I don't have my books or assignments. After all that think, I eventually fell asleep. 

After Brianna left, a boy joined the crew, the crew looked at him and tried to contain themselves from their laughter.

Boy : What yall laughing at?

Malcom : Yo Chresanto, We just saw your unicorn girlfriend.

Boys : laughs hard

Chres : What yall talking about? slightly smiles

Melvin : You ain't even wanna know but your "girlfriend" is a hobo.

Chres : Okay, f*ck yall. shakes head and chuckles 

Malcom : She was even eating from the garbage, I think she's the one, Roc.

Chres : The one for you. 

Boys : laughs hard

Malcom : Hell naw, she had bugers up her nose and I ain't wanna be kissing anyone who eatting garbage and sh*t. Not at all.

Chres : Whatever, I want another match with you Lloyd.

Lloyd : What the point man, you know you gon' lose.

Boys : laughs hard

Chres : F*ck you.

A/N - What yall think? Bad or Good? I hope yall enjoyed this chapter! :]

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