The Dead End

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~Psst, listen to the song at the side while reading this chapter ;] ~

These days, I didn't know what to do with myself, I knew that there'd be one day when I'd have to get up and leave, I just didn't know exactly how to do that. This place has done a lot for me, they've done a lot for me so, I didn't know where to stand but today, I'm going to take stand and leave the house. These days, it'll just be Chresanto and I because his friends distance from him more and more, we barely see Trudy anymore and this time, we haven't seen her whole day and now, it is the next day. At the time, I'd be packing my clothes and everything else I needed but everything went south when Chresanto came barging through the door with the look of fear and that feeling instantly moved onto me. "She's in trouble, I knew it!", he says before hesitantly showing me what she'd text him, 'I love you', 'PLEASE HELP', is what they said. I didn't know where he was going but I knew I had to follow him because he couldn't have gone there alone. He reached a certain part in this awfully quiet neighbourhood where there was an alley but it lead to this big entrance, the signs on the building were broken, there was trash almost everywhere and there screams loud enough to surround the whole area which almost made this place haunting. "Call the police", "A-are you sure she's here-", "I'm sure", he says staring into my eyes but then he gave me his phone to dial the number, each number I pressed my heart almost got caught nervous. He grabbed my hand and led me off to the side of this rancid building to hide away from the people who walked out of it. They held a bunch of tattoos on their skin but some were wearing tight skin-shirts and all had guns hanging out of the back of their pants or they'd be holding the rifles in their hands. "Where are we going again?", one asking the other while squinting his eyes and the other stared at him like he had no emotions at all, "We're heading downtown on Polner St. because the boss wants their money", he says and I examined him carefully, he had two teardrop tattoos at the side of his face. "Ha, boss is a greedy man", the other says with grin before clutching his gun, "No need to tell me that twice...".

I then felt him grab my hand and gently pulled me along the way to the back of the building where they had a window, "All of his men are outside, I think we'd be safe enough inside...", Chresanto says before pulling the window open for me to jump and I did but once I entered, I got snatched, someone held me by the chest then Chresanto went to hide. The man held me tight and his grip was really uncomfortable, "What the f*ck are you doing here, lil' mama", he whispers in my ear and he held a dagger in his hand. I tried to pull it out of his hand but it didn't work so, I kicked at whatever was behind me and I guess I kicked hard and high enough to reach his private area. He yelped in pain and his hand loosened but it was still in his grip, I tried to run away but he gripped at me again. He dragged me along to the side where I'd meet black shoes and white formal pants, "What's going on here-", the man asks and then I saw him, it was Scar and that hat he wore always hid his face in a way that it may seem terrifying. "Found her sneaking in...", "Well, put her in the back room, we'll deal with her later", he says with the biggest smile on his face and after that, I was thrown in a room all alone, I was tied by the hands and feet then I suddenly felt a needle being injected in my skin which was utter shock. My eyes were wide open but they soon were closed and I was slowly drifting to sleep while hearing the door shutting close.

|Chresanto's POV|

I felt really bad to leave her but I'll come back for her but how exactly was I suppose to do that? I crept up to the other window to where I looked to see my mother tied down against the wall, her hands and her feet tied down. Scar was hovering over her touching her face and admiring her, I felt pissed as ever but then I heard a weird noise coming from the room where Brianna tried to sneak into, I felt horribly fearful of what can happen or might have happened to Brianna. Scar made his way over immediately and I decided that it was the right time to sneak into the room then I'd rush to the door and lock behind it immediately, thankfully... it wasn't heard. I ran quickly over to my mother who had tears down her face, "Chresanto", she says almost airy in her voice, I untied her quickly with my hands shaking every move I make while wanting everything to end quickly. "I was coming from work and-", "Hold on, let's get out of this room and you'll tell me everything", I say before grabbing her hand and leading her outside. She told me about everything and her weird M.I.A moments that happened these days and I was only happy that I'd get her in time and that she was still alive in front of me but now, I was ready to get Brianna. We both rushed in front and I decided to call the cops again, we both had to wait for his gang members to leave around the corner but there was still two men sitting in front to guard the place which was expected so, we stayed a good bit away from them so he wouldn't hear us.

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