With Your BItch A$$

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|Brianna's POV| 

I scrubbed my skin gently then placed the soap back on the side, I took some of the guess shampoo in my hair, can you believe that? They have everything for guests, I guess Chresanto's very stingy, it's obvious, I closed my eyes as I washed the shampoo out my hair then placed in some air conditioner. I wonder why  she wasn't b*tchin' when I stepped in her house, she's a very nice lady, I wonder how she made Chresanto, he's nothing like her but it's easy to see that he's a momma's boy, if you say. I am not going to take sh*t that long from him though, if he's that much of an a**hole then I will act like one too. I searched in the wardrobe, I can see that they still have it updated and these things look a bit old but it's very decent and still clean.  I took out a purple boy sweater, they mostly have boy stuff here but  some girl stuff, I took up a boy bracelet and put on some girl jeans with a Jordans. The jordans were a bit tight but they fit surprisingly, I walked out and close the door hearing water falling to the floor, I stared at the bathroom door then heard a croaky voice singing, "BAbY I CAN BE YOUR MOTIVATION!, GO GO GO", I shook my head, that boy needs mental help, I briskly walked down the stairs while my jordans squeaked against the slightly dusty floor, I slowly walked down the stairs trying not to put much pressure on my ankle. I walked into the kitchen and greeted her with a "Good Morning", she returned the favor with a smile and told me the same, she placed the bacon and eggs on the plate, I don't really fancy eggs but it's fine. "Wait, sorry, are you a vegetarian or?", she quickly asked sympathetically, "No I am not, it's fine, I just don't really like eggs that much but it's okay", I said honestly. "Oh, you sure because I can take out the eggs if you want..", she said while picking up a spoon, "No, I actually need a full breakfast, thanks for your concern though", I said with a genuine smile, she placed the plate in front of me and gave me a fork and a spoon, I picked up the fork and started to eat, mmm, I love me some bacon, oh my, I dropped my spoon and continued chewing, her cooking is good, no it is the best, my mother could never cook this good, that'll be like eating out of the garbage when it compares to my mother's cooking! "Are you okay?", she asked while her eyebrows raised, "Yeah, I'm fine, you're cooking is the best, I was just in shock, I never taste anything this good!", I blurted out, she grinned and snickered at my behaviour, I ate the whole thing in on bite, Ooo, that was a good one. I rubbed my tummy, I heven't felt this in a while, some good god damn breakfast. I asked for another and she giggled and gave me another plate, I ate that in a second, she looked a bit shocked but you can see that she's use to it, I heard a few footsteps while I dug into my 4th plate. "Damn, slow down GG", I rolled my eyes then thought for a while, did this f*cker call me Garbage Girl..again. I sucked on my teeth and continued to eat, I started to hear some loud snapping and talking, "Ma, you any shalt", Chresanto said while eating with his mouth open, I looked over at him, what the hell, he eats like hog and he has he nerve to call me Garbage Girl "hypocrite", I mumbled. "What you say?", he said while he raised an eyebrow, I rolled my eyes then stood up, "Can I go outside and check on Firecracker, Ms. Trudy?", I said while turning to his mother, "No and his name is Blue.", Chresanto said with anger, I stared at him for a while, did this f*cker not hear me say 'Ms.Trudy', not his b*tch a**. "Chresanto......Yes you can go Brianna and I think it's a nice nickname for Blue", she said with a small smile, "Firecracker sounds like some kind of drunk nerd", Chresanto said while squinting his eyes and shaking his head, what the hell, does anything he says make sense? "That makes no sense", I said then Ms.Trudy added, "No sense at all, Chresanto go in your room-", she got cut off by him atarting with his buts again, "But Ma, I wanted to go over by Malcom today!", "No buts! And if your heading over by Malcom you have to bring Brianna because I have to head over by Ms. Gill for a meeting at her place so, you'll also have to bring Junior-", Ms. Trudy said while Chresanto miserably groaned, "But Ma!!-", "Boy, if you continue with those butts, I make sure your own will stay soar after I give you a good beating", she said while squinting her eyes, well that shut Chresanto up and I tried not to laugh but that was so funny but I didn't really want to go anywhere. I walked out in the backyard to see a nice pit-bull with a red color around their neck, I have a feeling that it's not Firecracker because he has a blue collar. I reached out and pet the dog, I looked at it carefully, it's a she, she heavily breathed while her drowl fell on the grassy ground, I chuckled and shoook my head while I look to see another dog under my shoulder, Firecracker! I grinned happily and rushed my hands through his fur excitedly, I started to pet both of them as they just lay right next to me.

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