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I got woken up by a wet tongue licking me all over my face, I quickly shut my eyes open to see a pitbull sitting on top of me lowering it's head, slightly whimpering. My eyes grew big, I wasn't sure if it meant any harm to me but hasn't done anything yet, I sat up slowly and it walks off of me, sitting next to me. I looked at it as it smiled at me happily, well it looked so. My heart beat began to move fast, I slowly reach my hand out as I felt warm fur against my palm, I pet it a bit as it wagged it's tail. I smiled as I rushed my hands through its nice, warm coated fur. I felt a rough surface by his neck, I looked to see a blue collar around it's neck that engraved, "King Blue". I was a bit surprised that it wasn't a stray, no wonder he looked so healthy and clean but he doesn't really look like "Blue" or whatever, his spirit is joyful and fun, so I will cal him Firecracker.

Bri : Did you runaway?

Blue : whimpers softly

Bri : Aww, well you can stay with me now.

Blue : raises head up quickly

Bri : I'll call you Firecracker for now.

He wagged his tail happily and shoved head under my arm as I smile, I found a new friend. We walked around the whole neighborhood then started walking to a new area because I shouldn't stay here. I picked up my bag and fixed the strap on my shoulder and began walking out of the area, he was a bit behind but he keeps up afterwards, I bet he's thirsty though, as well as I. I looked at a puddle ahead then ran towards it as he followed me, "You thirsty?", I asked him. He stepped forward then licked some of the water and pulled his head back, I can tell that he's not accustom to dirty water. I started walking again as I looked around, this is a very busy city, they were cars rushing through the streets and people walking briskly on the sidewalks, some were waiting for cars and some were waiting for them to stop so, they can cross. I was a bit hesitant because I wouldn't want Firecracker to get hit by a car then I will be sad and if I ever find the owner, they will blame me. I sighed deeply as I passed the busy city, there's no point staying there because when I'm asleep, he might get run off in the streets and get hit. I kept on walking as I looked around the atmosphere, I looked behind a tree to see a long stick, it can help me walk better with my ankle. I walked toward the tree as I picked up the stick and I look to a rat underneath, I screamed loudly as I held my hand to my chest, why am I screaming? I will see much more of them. I held onto the stick and continued walking, I stared up at the sun as I quickly squint my eyes, wow, it's pretty hot today. I felt much more thirsty when I thought about the temperature of today, I looked down the road, it's a long strip of the street to walk, there is barely even buildings. I looked at the side to see a tap at the side of the road. I run to the side while Firecracker sat beside me, I kneeled down and took out a napkin I had in my bag, I took a pieace of it knowing that I would need it in the future. I opened the tap as nasty water splattered in my face, I quickly turned it off as I let out a high pitch scream, I wiped off the green muck off my face as Firecracker grinned at me. "Oh, you think that's funny?", I asked him but all I got was a wag of a tail, I shook my head as I continued walking.

Meanwhile with Chresanto, he washed his face and wiped it off with a towel, he stared at hisself. He bit his lip softly as dried his hair with a towel. He changed into his shirt and his cargo shorts, he took some gel and rushed it through his hair. He took a towel and wiped off some gel then washed his hands quickly. He ran downstairs and grabbed some dog food, he poured some in two dog bowls and walked by the kitchen, he looked over at his mother who was cooking some peas.

Chresanto : Ayo, Ma..I'ma go feed them then head over to Malcom and Calvin.

(Chresanto's Mother - CM)

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