Time for a new team

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„Sorry to interrupt you, guys. But I have amazing news for you! Finally we are able to tell you who won this weeks RETRO."

Natsu was walking down a street in Magnolia. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his dark green jacket. His eyes were locked on a small building at the end of the road. The few people around him were chatting and laughing, but he didn't heard them. He was listening to to his favorite radio show with his headphones in his ears.

RETRO is an arcade video game festival. It is held in Haregon at the last week of the month. Some people call it the place were champions are born, other say it is a good way to gain first experiences because everyone is allowed to take part at the competition.

„Since her fist victory she is and will remain undefeated! Magnolias top gamer Lucy Heartfilia!"

„This Lucy again, huh" he mumbled into his white scarf. A wide grin appeared on his face an showed his white fangs. Too bad she plays these arcade video games. She'd be a great opponent. I bet I can beat her!

Natsu was still walking, his salmon hair dancing up and down with every step. Still thinking about how awesome he would be when he beats her.

„Look where you going, kiddo!"

While celebrating himself Natsu ran straight into the man before him. Head looked up to face the man talking to him.


„Yo, long time no see, Natsu. Whats up with that stupid smirk?" The bearlike man pat his back a bit to harsh. Natsu stumbled forward and almost fell on his knees.

His grin widened at the familiar action and he nudged the old man.

„Need to see gramps" he explained and grabbed a crinkled letter out of his jacket and showed it proudly. „Is he home?"

„You should go inside." His teasing behavior changed into some serious voice. „Three years is a long time, you know?"

„Right, then.. see you later, pops." Natsu waved goodbye and entered the crowded bar.

He walked past many familiar faces and received a lot of happy greetings and welcomes. Some of them called out to him and he nodded back.

He really loved the atmosphere. This was his second home, his second family. Everyone knew him since he was litte and so did he.

He pushed some people aside and finally made his way to the counter.

„Natsu! Look at you!" A well-known woman was sitting at the bar. One hand wrapped around a big glas of beer and the other one placed on her thigh. Her long brown hair was tied into a messy bun.

„Yo, Cana. Still drunk I see."

„Do you know me differently?"

Both laughed and grinned at each other. „Wanna play?"

She put out a deck of cards and shoved them towards him. Natsu sat beside her, grabbed them and started to deal out. Already finished he looked back at her „This time I'm gonna beat you!"

Again, both laughed and started to play. The two of them were immediately concentrated. It has always been like this, none of them wanted to lose, even a game which was supposed to be just for fun.

After a few minutes of moving cards, yelling and swearing the game ended.

„Well, you improved." Cana chuckled.

„But I lost! Again!" Natsu hit his head on the table and sighed.

Cana petted his shoulder while continuing to grin. She suddenly stopped, her hand still resting on his shoulder. „Where is your old man?"

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now