As in Titania

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A/N: I'm afraid this will be a shorter chapter. I'm really sorry. This time I wanted to concentrate on only one scene. For me, it seemed to be too important. If I would have continued I might have weakened the message. So please understand my intention.


"To tell the truth, the reason I came back was this." Natsu handed the letter to Gray and Jellal.

After the Arcade incident Natsu, Gray and Jellal went to Gray's home. Natsu had just arrived in Magnolia a few hours ago. To be honest, he had no idea were to sleep or how to get money. Well, he had the heir of his dad, but Gray knew it wasn't that much. Eventually he offered him a place to stay.

Gray lived alone. You could say that he was in the same position as Natsu, the only difference? Grays father abandoned him. He left him by himself in the age of 7. The boys knew not to talk about it. Nobody knew about Gray's past but them.

When they had decided to go to Gray's Jellal asked to come with them. Actually he wanted to know more about what happened to Natsu the past 3 years.

Natsu sat across from his two friends. He knew he won't be able to prevent telling them about his father, gramps and Fairy Tail. Honestly, he didn't want to talk about his old man. Igneel. Everyone loved him and he held all of his comrades near to his heart.

Jellal looked up from the letter to face Natsu.
"What do you plan to do?" He and Gray knew pitying Natsu wont help him.

"I talked to gramps about it." He didn't bother to answer the question. After a short break he continued. "About the old team. Fairy Tail."

Grays eyes widened.

Fairy Tail.

Natsu told them everything. About his conversation with "master", how his dad saved the arcade when he won the Grand Pixel Games and when the team disbanded. 

Jellal could tell Gray was happy to hear something about the past of his father, Silver, even when he always said he hated him for leaving without a word. He found out his father died three years ago. It was a difficult time for Gray. Being left alone by his father, knowing he died and his best friend chose to go to another High-school far away. 

"They had a women in their team."

Jellal's head spun around to look at Natsu again. "How is that something special? All teams have girls."

Natsu simply shook his head. "She was the first! She was better than Silver and dad."

"Who was she?" It was the first time Gray said something since they read the letter.

"Something like.. uhm.. Lola.. Lily.. I don't remember."  Natsu just shrugged. 

Gray just sighed. Well, it wasn't a surprise. "Natsu, you moron."

"You didn't answer my question, actually." Jellal cut in, preventing an upcoming fight. He waited for Natsu to continue and even Gray stopped his provocations.

Suddenly a wide grin appeared on Natsu's face. "It's pretty simple. I'm gonna win the Grand Pixel Games one more time!"

Jellal's eyes widened while Gray's jaw dropped. Why does everyone have the same reaction? They looked at him as if he was insane. Jellal was the first to find his speech again "Uhm, Natsu. Therefor you'll need a team, you know?" 

"Yes, of course. How stupid do you think I am." Natsu placed his hands on his hips and pouted. He stayed like that for a moment before a proud smile made it's way to his face. "I simply need to form a new Fairy Tail! And you two will be part of it." he pointed at his friends, not expecting what was coming. 

"I don't play anymore. I stopped two years a-" But Natsu cut him of.

"You have to! I need a team of at least for people. I thought about asking Cana, too.."

Now it was Gray's turn to interrupt. "You don't think of playing yourself, do you?" Natsu was surprised by his question and slowly nodded. Gray let out a loud laughter. "You SUCK at the arcade, fire-breath!" And with that his laughter got louder. 

Natsu clenched his fists and was about to punch Gray but he heard Jellal mutter something and so did Gray. Both stopped to look at him. "What did you say?" 

"I said." He sighed. "You shouldn't ask Cana. 

"Wait, don't tell me you take him serious!" Gray stood up but sat down immediately when he realized he was behaving like Natsu. 

"So, you're in?" Hope shimmered in Natsu's eyes but vanished when he heard Jellal's response.

"Both of you are wrong. Natsu, you have no plan. You really should think this through to the end. And I won't say it one more time. I won't join." He paused to look at Gray. "You should know me better. Of course I don't take him serious. Look at him." - "Oi!" 

"Then what do you mean?"

 "I mean." Jellal paused and looked back at Natsu who was waiting for his answer with wide eyes. Then he continued "That it's worth a try." 

Immediately Natsu jumped of his seat pulling Jellal into a head lock and started to muss up his hair. However Jellal escaped his grip and glared at Natsu putting his hair into his previous location. Natsu just shrugged and gave him a look which should tell him "I'm sorry". 

Ignoring the death glares of Gray Jellal proceeded with his explanation. "Gray I know you're pretty good in this kind of games. To tell the truth, I don't know why but you're his friend. So you should help him. Join." 

"Then why don't you-"

"Natsu, I have my reasons. But I know someone who would love to help you guys." 

Gray swallowed hard. He held up his hands in front of his body as if to defend himself from upcoming danger. 

"Who do you mean?"

"I'm talking about Erza Scarlet as in Titania."


I knew it! Look how short! T.T I'm really really sorry. You might have noticed I started to write A/N I don't know why but the Idea simply popped into my mind. I guess I'll use it to excuse myself for updating so slowly and irregular. 

958 words.. 

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