Leather glove

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Hey guys. I'm so so sorry for the late update. I always wanted to update and i regularly checked my account, but a lot happened lately. You could say some sort of incident freed myself from the writer's block.

So here is the new chapter!

I love U all so much. Enjoy and please don't be mad at me..


It has been two days since Titania joined the team. Natsu thought about asking Lissana, too but decided against it. Lissana wasn't bad, but she wasn't much different than any ordinary gamer at the arcade. He needed someone special due to him he was not good at arcade games at all.

That's right he still doesn't play this kind of games. Still he wants to form a new team to win the GPG. Still it's an arcade game competition where you compete each other in teams of four or more people. Still he needs one more person. Jellal still doesn't want to join and Cana still is a bad choice.

And he still needs to grow up.
Wait. Scratch that.

Now he was sitting at the bar again staring at his phone. There was nothing to do for him. Gray went with Erza and Jellal. They tried to look for the last member outside the city. Sure, Magnolia wasn't small, but there was only one arcade open and if there was only one person as good as Erza they would know.

Natsu didn't want to go with them because of his motion sickness. To tell the truth, he thought he could spend his day better than walking around a foreign town, right?


He was bored. Natsu Dragneel was bored. He never was and he never wanted to be. It sucked. He leaned back, stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"I hear you sigh a lot lately."

He turned around an saw the brunette alcoholic standing right behind him, a glass of beer in her left hand. She wore the devious smirk of hers.

When he didn't react she placed herself next to him and put her free hand on his right shoulder.

"You never had to deal with a letter of the dead, right?"

Cana kept quiet for a few seconds. She actually thought about a response which might have cheered him up, but she decided to talk seriously with him this time.

"Not that I remember. You didn't seem to have problems with it. What happened?"

Now it was Natsu's turn to remain silence. He sighed again. She was right, that happened a lot lately.

He crossed his arms and turned away so she couldn't see his face. Cana ignored his sudden movements and took a deep gulp of her beer. She barely heard him mumble something under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"I said." he paused and turned around to face her. The red crept up his neck to his ears and face. "I need help"

Cana's face went blank. She slowly placed the glass on the counter. She swallowed.

Then, she laughed.
She laughed like she never had laughed before.

"I- I'm sorry!" She cried between sobs, tears collected in the corners of her eyes. She wiped some away and took a deep breath.

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now