See you again

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Natsu was still staring at the blond, when she walked away with her blue-haired friend. His eyes followed her every movement.

Gray was slightly amused by his odd behavior. He nudged Jellal with his elbow and send him a significant look. Jellal just nodded and tried to restrain a laughter. His action didn't stay unnoticed by his salmon haired friend who looked at him with sulky expression.

Natsu was interrupted by his own stomach rumbling. He looked down to see where the noise came from. One hand positioned itself on his gut. Natsu lifted his head.

„Guess I'm hungry." he said when he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, a goofy grin on his face.

„I'f you wouldn't eat so much spicy food you'd stay full longer than ten minutes, flame-breath!"

„Huh. What did you say, Ice-prick?" Natsu hissed through gritted teeth.

„Calm down Natsu, Gray. There is a food-court right over there." Jellal pointed. „Will you stop annoying everyone around and grab some food?"

Gray and Natsu immediately stopped their actions and turned around to walk to the dining area. „There we go." Jellal spoke under his breath.

Natsu and Gray were still calling each other names while they were grabbing some food. Gray had to pay this round for them, because he started the last fight. It was an unwritten rule for the three friends.

„Natsu, would you stop eating so much! I don't have enough money for your giant stomach!" he yelled at the salmon haired boy in front of him. He was ignored.

After a few more minutes of swearing and fighting eventually the three of them sat down at a table. It took them a while to calm down. Jellal sweat dropped at the sight of his friend glaring at each other.

Just when he decided to bring on a new topic Jellal saw her, Lucy Heartfilia, and her blue haired friend entering the food-court, grabbing some food and walking into their direction. Gray shivered when he noticed the small smirk instead of his usually calm smile.

Gray followed his look and immediately stopped his actions. He saw them sitting down. „Well, I guess it was just another boring arcade game. Whaddya think, Natsu~"

„Are you stupid, ice-prick! It was amazing. I wish I could've seen her face... Anyway, they said it was a perfect game! She would beat ya in just a second! Don't talk about shit you don't understand!"

"Huh?" the raven haired guy raised an eyebrow. "You wanna tell me to shut up about things I dont understand ? You're the most stupid idiot on earth."

A vein popped up on Natsu's forehead. "Ice-princess I swear you're gonna-" but he was interrupted by an laughing Jellal. Both, Natsu's and Gray's eyes landed on him.

When he calmed down he said a bit louder than necessary „So, Natsu, you admit that you would lose against her, too? She's far out of your reach."

Natsu slowly turned around to face his blue haired friend. "Out of my what ? You should know, Jellal " he hissed his friends name, "that I would beat her in any real game. Arcade games aren't good games at all."

Real Game?


"Lucy! Levy! Come over here! I wanna take a picture of you two!" Mira shouted. She waved with one hand, while the other held a polishing rag. Levy laughed. It was a sweet laughter, barley hearable while Lucy just sighed.

"Why do you need a picture. You could just search the internet for it. There are plenty."

Mira put down the rag and turned around to grab a camera. "Because~" She danced around as if something awesome had happened.. or maybe will happen. She suddenly stopped in front of Lucy, her face turned serious as if she had to think about something very important. Then she just shrugged. "Just because!"

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now