Way to go

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Lissana grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the observers watching them with hungry eyes.


Well, that was weird. Lissana talking to a stranger was weird. Losing felt weird. Why was everything weird when she is around.

Like everyone else Natsu was staring at the corner where Lucy and Lis vanished behind. He actually thought about following them but he knew scary Erza would stop him.

Playing against her really exhausted him. Her way to gain the control of the whole competition amazed him. It was like he didn't happen to be himself. Sure, he always wanted to win, but usually he didn't start anything he couldn't. He simply wanted to. He wanted her.
The silence made way for muttering. Erza was speaking to Makarov about how Lucy didn't even try hard. That, for her, it was a matter of course. The master simply nodded, furrowing his brow.

Jellal and Gray were talking about the loss for the team even though she'd never been part of it.

Mira and Levy approached Natsu. Levy really was a shorty, but kinda cute. She must be a great best friend to bring Lucy to a group of strangers knowing she would react like this. She must have known her best friend would be angry at her.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Mira whispered.
"Me too. Why don't we go over there and spy on them? Or we sneak like ninjas?" Natsu snapped out of his trance and was back to his usual carefreeness, proud of his latest idea.
"It's because she will rip you into pieces when you start babbling again." Levy interrupted.

"So she really is angry, huh?" Natsu and Mira sighed at the same time.

"You noticed?" Again.

"How couldn't I?" And again.

"Stop that!" Levy shouted. The Arcade went silent and all attention was on her. "I know she's angry. And hurt."
She looked at Master Makarov. "It's my fault. You know, we had that secret.. and I told it Mira without Lucy's permission. Well, she told it Cana. I honestly thought it would be the best for her without asking."

Little did she know someone was listening to her confession.

"Does that mean there's a secret? A secret which you, Mira and Cana know? About Lucy?" Natsu was now listening with full attention.
"Sweet!" He hummed. "Tell me more!"

The moment Levy opened her mouth a husky voice interfered.
"Don't be so curious, Natsu. It's not her secret to share." Makarov turned to the corner where everyone was staring at just a moment ago. "Why don't you ask the person it belongs to?"

All eyes went back to Lucy.
She and Lissana were standing next to each observing the conversation.
She sighed.

"Well, I guess there will be enough time to tell you everything you need to know once I taught you how to play. There are a lot of things you need to learn If you want to compete seriously. I mean, honestly, did you even try? Who's idea was that to begin with? And all of you are sure you want to do this? Seriously? I suppose all of you own Lis a huge thank you. "
She paused.
Took a deep breath.
"Fairy Tail is going to win the Grand Pixel Games"

During her speech her eyes laid on Natsu. His unusual onyx eyes and salmon hair was an odd combination, she thought. Did he dye it? There was no way this could have been his natural hair colour. His eyes were wide, lips slightly parted. Stunned. 

She glanced around an noticed everyone gaping at her. Except Lissana. The shy, short haired girl smiled at her, a satisfied smile.

"Thank you", the blond whispered. 

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now