Perfect Game

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Natsu spotted Gray and Cana at the bar. They seemed to talk about nothing particular. He made his way to them. Cana saw him first and waved at him. Gray turned around at her action and looked at Natsu who was already behind him.

„Yo, Flame Brain, whats up?"

„Yo, ice-princess. Why are ya here?" Natsu placed himself next to Gray.

„I called him over. Told him you're back in town" Cana smirked at the two of them.

„Sooo.." Natsu grinned slyly „Droopy Eyes missed me?"

„In your dreams"

„What did you say?"

The two started to challenge each other again, but before any fight could break out Cana interrupted them „Sorry to disturb you lovebirds, but I have some uh stuff to do. As you know I work here."

„Cana, leave some of your work for the customers!" Gray shouted, but she already grabbed a new beer and disappeared behind the counter.

„So, why are you here?" Gray turned around and faced Natsu

„I had to talk to gramps."

„Gramps? Why?"

„I'll tell you later. Wanna go to the arcade?"

„You. You out of all people want to got to the arcade? Who are you and what have you done to the crazy flame spewer I know?"

„Calm your ass, I'm just goin' to beat ya in some arcade games! I'm all fired up!"

„As If!" Gray and Natsu jumped off his bar chair. Gray put out his phone. „Let's call Jellal. I bet he wants to meet you, too"

„Jellal is here, too?"

„Yeah, I hope he has time. He's always out with his girlfriend."

Natsu laughed slightly.


It was already getting dark when Lucy Heartfilia arrived at the train station in Magnolia. Her long blond hair was tied into a ponytail. Some strains framed her face. She was walking out of the large building. She pulled her case behind her with one hand and the other held her phone.

„Yes, Levy, I arrived at this very moment." Lucy chuckled. She truly loved her blue-haired friend, but sometimes she was too overprotective. She was always adamant that Lucy had to call her whenever she arrived in Magnolia.

„How was your journey? Oh you have to tell me everything! I'm so sorry, Lu-chan, I wasn't able to watch your game this time!" The bluenett was talking without breathing.

Lucy walked down the main street. The lights were already turned on and only a hand full of passengers were still outside.

Lucy looked in the distance. Her eyes locken on an video game advertisement. A huge poster presenting the newest video game generation with her face right next to it. She sighed slightly. „Levy, have you seen my last project?"

„How couldn't I? Your face is following me around! It was so hard not to miss you! I really need to see my best friend!" The line went silent as if both of them were thinking about something very important. After a few second levy squeaked „I have the perfect idea!"

„And that would be?" Lucy asked slightly nervous.

„You go home, put away your case and we meet at the arcade in one hour!" With that, the small girl hung up and left Lucy alone with her thoughts.

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now