Grown up?

151 10 2

Lucy will finally meet Team Natsu..


Lucy entered the empty arcade and immediately spotted Levy and Mira at the bar. It was midweek why did they close the arcade?

Next to them..

"Hey Mira, Levy who are they?"

Both turned around and opened a path for Lucy to get a better view of the group of five people. Lucy immediately recognised the three boys from a few days ago at the arcade. Jellal was the name of one of them, she remembered. The other two were girls. One had short white hair. She did not look pretty self-confident. And the second girl - rather women - was Erza Scarlet?

What could they possibly want from her?

"They are fans?" Levy questioned rather than said.

"No they aren't"

"How do you-? Whatever, its no use. Actually, they are here to ask you a favour."

Lucy again observed the group. Erza was rich and powerful, too, even more. So what could she do what Erza couldn't? Then again, why was this pink haired kid there? She doubt he wanted to apologise.

"I'm afraid it isn't possible for me to help you, whether I know what you want or not." With that she turned on her heels and gestured to go. Before she could do one step Levy and Mira grabbed her arm.

"Lucy, they are from Fairy Tail."

She froze.
It couldn't be possible. This should be the elite? The Fairy Tail she was looking for for such a long time?

"They aren't Fairy Tail! They are an awful lot of dilettantes! Excuse my strong language, miss Scarlet, Mira, Levy, but this can't be the glory Fairy Tail my mother.." She was cut off by her own tears. Just one or two but it was enough to silence her. She promised herself never to cry in front of crowds again.

"Lu-chan-" Levy tried to calm down her best friend by putting her hand on her shoulder. She was stopped by a large male hand grabbing hers.

"Levy was it, right?"

Levy just nodded and watched the salmon haired boy making his way in front of her beloved best friend. "Uhm, Natsu, I dont think this is a good idea"


Look how beautiful she is. Furious. Her blonde hair ruffled all over her face. Her cheeks light red because of the rage a few seconds ago. I never thought someone could be that outstanding.


Natsu stopped in front of her his hands on her shoulders. Right when he opened his mouth to calm her down he realised she already slowed down her breath.

"Who are you?" she whispered.

"Well, well. Miss Lucy Heartfilia this is Natsu Dragneel."

Now everyone in the room turned around to see who introduced the stranger to Lucy. A short old man and a brown haired women entered the arcade. Lucy recognised the brunette. They already met, but it must have been more than a year ago. She was a friend of Mira, maybe Cana?

She never met the old man though, but he somehow looked familiar.

A stillness spread throughout the the arcade.
Everyone observed each other. Cana was the first to speak.

Game Mode Zero (NaLu // AU)Where stories live. Discover now