Prove Yourself

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Good two hours passed since Lucy fainted. It took Levy a lot of effort to bring her best friend to bed. She'd wrapped Lucy's hair in a towel so she won't catch a cold. After hours of watching and worrying she decided to call someone. But who?

Who won't ask questions? - Who wouldn't? 


Next day 2 pm Natsu, along with Gray, was waiting in front of the arcade. He didn't told his friend what they're waiting for. Neither told he who. It took him a lot of convincing. He even agreed to pay for everything his friend wanted for one day. They already waited twenty minutes and something was bothering him since the minute you call someone to late. Was she the kind of person to come to late to an agreement she made herself? Was that only to get rid of him on the phone? All of this didn't made any sense. 

"So, now that your date won't come can I go?"

"She really won't come, huh?"

"Wait, she?" Gray was confused. He had expected Natsu would meet someone he met online. Someone we wanted to fight. It wasn't unusual to be honest. But she. He won't be talking about -

"Yeah, Lucy. We were supposed to meet here half an hour ago."

"Natsu, stay calm. You won't like what I'll tell you."

Natsu's head slowly turned to face his friend who raised both hands to defend himself If necessary. "What do you know that I don't, ice-prick?" He hissed. 

"Well if you frame it like that I'd say a lot. If you're talking about her, well, she kinda fainted yesterday." he sighed. 

All energy left his body. Every sound disappeared. All he could think about was why? She seemed just fine the last time he met her. What could have possibly happened? Why did nobody tell him a word? Who knows about it, too? 

"Where does she live?" He didn't intend his latest question to come out loud. His hands were shaking. Worry written all over his face.

Gray was visibly surprised. He slowly nodded and placed one hand on his friend's shoulder. He needed to calm down and to decide what to do. There was a reason Levy called him. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone what happened, yet he did. But taking him there? 

What could be the worst happening? 

Loosing the trust of the most important member of Fairy Tail. But this was Natsu, he had a right to know, hadn't he? Dammit. 

"Come on, lets go visit the invalid." 


It took them forty minutes to reach their destination by foot. Enough time to talk about how Natsu should behave once they arrive. Enough time calm him down a little. Gray had never seen his friend this worried. Sure, Natsu was't always happy and energetic, but he'd never been like that. 

Levy opened the door. Surprised to see who came to visit. She hesitated a moment before letting them in. She gave Gray a dirty look. He just stood there, hanging his head in shame. 

Lucy was sitting on the couch, a hot chocolate in both hands. Tissues lay all around the coffee table. Her red, puffy eyes widened the moment she spotted Natsu. She glanced at Levy, hoping her friend would tell her what to do. Levy grabbed Grays upper arm and dragged him outside. Before closing the door she took a glance back inside to make sure Lucy would be able to handle the situation herself. 

"I'm sorry Natsu. I should have called you first."

He nodded, not sure what he had expected to see. Possibly a unconscious teammate laying in bed, but not that. 

Not her crying.

He placed himself next to her, both hands on his lap. The situation became more and more uncomfortable. He thought that maybe, just maybe he was the reason for all of this. He shouldn't have been so pushy. 

She should have called him first. Why?

"What happened?" It took him all of his courage to ask her. 

She stopped in track and slouched her shoulders. Her hands clenched around the cup between them. Her eyes met his and for a second she thought that maybe, just maybe he was the reason for all of this. His stupid idea to re-establish Fairy Tail. Anger flashed in and out of her eyes. 

It's her fault for being such a coward. 

"I took a bath." She took a deep breath. "For three hours." Out-loud it does sound even more stupid. "I was trapped in my own thoughts. About you, about Fairy Tail and about my mother." 

He watched her silently. Taking in every word she said. She mentioned her mother once already. When they met in the arcade with everyone. He realized that back then her eyes were as sad as now. 

"She died seven years ago."Her voice was brocken, unsteady. If possible her hands clenched even stronger around the cup. He wondered when it would break. "She got murdered." A silent tear smoothed her cheek. "It was a joystick stabbed through her heart." She laughed a sick laugh. 

"You know why she had to die? Because she was a woman. Because she loved to play. If she'd been born twenty years ago she'd still be alive and allowed to do what she loved  the most. Why are people so cruel." 

She stopped fighting against the sadness. She desperately wanted to cry, to scream. Someone to hold her. "Natsu, I'm sorry I didn't call you." 

In that very moment he realized it wasn't abut him or her. It was about Fairy Tail. Her mother was part of it. She was the woman that defeated his father. The mother of Lucy Heartfilia, the best female gamer of Fiore, once was a member of Fairy Tail. The Fairy Tail his father founded. 

"It's alright, Luce. Nobody is gonna hurt you. I promise."

He didn't tell her he was afraid, too. That he was unsure about all of this. He never knew people died for this. It was a wish his father made. Nothing more nothing less. 

"My father died three years ago. He was ill. Damn, he was sick!" 

She raised her head. "Natsu, what are you doing?"

"I thought we're talking about the dead." He gave her an understanding look. "All that's left from him is this letter telling me to ask Makarov about Fairy Tail. Don't misunderstand me. It was my idea, but I only did it because I thought that's what my old man wanted." 

He handed her the letter. "Until I lost against you. No, thats not true. I wanted it for myself since the day I saw you at the arcade. Everyone admired you. I admired you." he confessed everything. Not a word crossed his mind without leaving his lips. 

"I always wanted to know who the blond girl is that approached me from behind and promised me to meet again." 

He sighed. "I was indescribable happy when you agreed to fight with us."

She slowly placed the cup on the coffee table. Her eyes hid behind her bangs. Carefully not to collapse again she stood up and made her way to the opened bedroom door. He watched moving. Slowly, carefully. Only then he realized how beautiful she looked. Her hair bound into a messy bun, sweatpants hanging loosely around her hips and an oversized shirt covering her upper body. 

She glanced back to meet his eyes. A barely visible nod gestured him to follow her. 

So he did. 

"Hey, uhm Luce. I know this was touchy and stuff, but don't you think you're taking this too far? I mean, sure, you are attractive, but we just talked about our dead parents." 

She rolled her eyes opening a second door. "Don't worry Dragneel. I just thought it's time for you to prove yourself."


Hey guys! Next chapter finished. I'm sorry for the heavy topic.. but I thought it's time to reveal some secrets. The following chapter Natsu and Lucy eventually start training.. and maybe Erza has something up on her sleeve. Please tell me what you think so far and If you want something just write it down in the comments. Thanks for reading!

1311 words ~ 

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