M.W : Imagine Part1

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For my queen mattssyrup.

Today was the day.Today was the day you were going to spend the rest of your life with one man.That man being Michael James Way.He proposed just a couple of months ago,But lets start all the way from the beginning.It was october 3rd,2007.You where currently on tour with your best friend Sam (A/N If I wasent apart of this I would of been very upset).  

Sam has a band.A punk rock band to be exact.She was the lead singer.Sam and you grew up together.She was offered to go on tour with a popular band called My Chemical Romance.She obviously said yes.Today was going to be their first preformance together.She dragged me along to meet the band we were going to tour with.

"Mercedes, meet Ray,Bob,Gerard,Frank and Mikey"

"Every one meet Mercedes,my best pal" 

Mikey's pov:

It was time to practice for our first show with this band.There was on thing on my mind and that was Mercedes.God she was so beautiful.I believe in love at first sight because I seen her and I cant get her out of my mind.

"Hey Mikey?"  Gerard started walking torwards me as everyone else stared."You alright buddie you were exposed to play your part.. and you didn't"

"maybe its a girl he's got on his mind" I heard Ray say to frank probably.

"Or maybe its a guy" I heard another person say.

'No. Im okay lets do this.' 

"Alright.Roll play back." Gerard yelled out.

As i brought my head up from looking at the ground,Their she was,Standing in the light looking so peaceful and gentle.

I couldn't stop staring at her.She looked at me for maybe a minute or maybe a hour.Thats what it felt like atleast.It felt like enternity when we looked into eachothers eyes.

I kept moving my fingers along to the vibrations.Everything went numb for a minute.

That was until somebody pushed me in my side.

"Woah man , what the hell are you doing?" Gerard was yelling at one of the players from the girl from earliers band.

"Maybe your , mate should keep his eyes on his instrument and not my friend.I dont have time for mistakes.Get it right, or we cant tour with you"

He yelled at us.

"Calm down  Fitz.You where in love once too"

I cringed at her words.

'What do you mean?' I said back to her trying to play off that im not in love or anything.Everyone walked away as she held out her hand pulled me up and dragged me torwards the beautiful Mercedes.

"Mer,this is Mike"

"Mikey this is Mer"

"ok bye you 2" 

"Hi there"

Her voice was so angelic.

'Hello' I said back.

Hello ? Seriously mikey.Geez she probably thinks you're a total tool.

"Hey i have to go " 

She said and my heart broke a little thinking that she doesnt want to talk to me.

" what are you waiting for? Kiss her, kiss her. " 

"SAM" Mer yelled

I Looked at Mer and her cheecks where red as a apple.

"You fob trash" I heard from my brother.

But I took my chance i went in and placed my lips on her soft pink ones.It wouldnt be more perfect.

(A/N: Again.I suck at romance stuff.BLah blah blah.I think the second part will be better/I hope bc I suck omg xD) 

I love u mer :)

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