You break up part2

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It's been one month since Ty died. You will never get that phone call out of your head
"Hello is this Y/N , Y/L/N?"
You replied with a yes.
"It says here you are a emergency contact for Mr.Tyler Joseph. Mr.Joseph was struck by another vehicle while crossing the street. He is in very critical condition and might not even be alive in the next couple of minutes"
At this point you had tears running down your checks. You dropped your phone,grabbed you car keys and drove to the hospital ty was at.
By the time you got to his side his monitor was a flat line and the rapid beats of his heart had stopped. You had just lost the love of your life.
When he was in high school a majority of the female population had made fun of Josh and now that he has money and grew up those girls are now begging him to sleep with them.
You came to see Josh when he was on tour in your hometown you have been dating him for about a solid year now. You knew what room and hotel Josh was in because of your best friend Tyler. You got to the hotel and knocked on his door he opened it four minutes later sweaty,out of breath and half naked. You pushed passed him and saw a skinny tan blonde in his bed half naked,sweaty and out of breath too. You ran out of the room and hotel, tears streaming down your red checks. You kept thinking he was using you and you have stayed inside your house for a couple of weeks losing contact with reality he came to your house apologized and bought you flowers. He sang you a song and tried to do anything to have you back in his arms. You sadly rejected him but you both are now friends and slowly becoming more then that.
Brendon proposed to you in August of 2013. All of his love songs were about you and he was totally whipped. You were bored on day while Brendon was off on tour for his new album 'DOAB' You were scrolling down your Twitter when you decided to look at your mentions. unfortunately your mentions were filled with death threats and such horrible comments like "Why is beebo with this ugly slut he deserves so much better like Sarah" You always got self conchious when Sarah was brought up. Sarah was Brendons ex girlfriend. After they broke up he got with you and has been with you ever since. They hate was getting to be too much for you so you packed your clothes and moved back
with your parents until you had everything figured out.
Dallon had just broke it off with Breezy about a 6 months  ago.  He came right to you a month after that. He asked you out and ever since you have been dating today was the day you were going to meet his children. He was reassuring you they would like you but once they came they automatically started being bratty, Dallon left the room to go to the bathroom and both of his kids started screaming Dallon rushed back into the room and his daughter said you hit her. Dallon toke his kids and left. You haven't seen for Weekes.
(A/N; see what I did their? ;) also I don't know his kid's names sorry😰)
Ryan is super over protective of you. Out of everyone he has been with. You are the first one to treat him right truly love him. Yesterday you went to get coffee with Jerry your GBF (Gay best friend) He was punching your arm playfully and the press was around. You saw a couple of flashes. You instantly knew what was bound to happen next. You said goodbye to Jerry and have him a hug goodbye, You drove home in silence and was hoping Ryan wouldn't yell at you or get the wrong idea about you and Jerry.
Once you walked in the door he instantly started screaming about Jerry and how could you do this to me before you got to open your mouth he walked out and slammed the door behind him.
Spencer: Spencer had become so distant lately you tried to see if Brendon knew what was happening but he didn't. It was up to you to see why he's been ignoring you. You went to his house and his front door was unlocked so you let your self in. You walked around his house calling his name.
A few minutes later you came to a door where you heard grunting. Your heart shattered, you opened the brown door and Spencer was under his covers crying and injecting something in him. This caused you to instantly panic and call 911 of course.  You ran to him and held him until the ambulance came. They took him and you to the hospital as you sat by his side you thought what might of caused this then you thought it was you. You waited for Spencer to wake up. When he did you told him you were sorry and that you loved him. As you walked away the tears fell from his eyes once again.
Lately you have been hanging out with Dallon Weekes. Patrick noticed his flirtatious behavior  towards you. You, Panic! and fob were at a Halloween party Dallon was super wasted he came up to you grabbed  you by your hair and made out with you. You tried pushing him away but he was really strong. Patrick saw and caused a huge scene.
Pat: What the fuck is going on here? huh?
Dallon: What?
pat; It looks like you're making out with my girlfriend but you know what Dallon that's okay because you can keep her.
Y/N: Wait Patrick its not what you think.
Patrick: Your Know what Y/N? it looks exactly what I'm thinking. And Dallon?
Dallon: yeah?
Patrick: this is for making out with my girlfriend.
Patrick then punched Dallon right in his nose which is now covered in blood.
He shoved a few people out of his way and ran out the door.
                        Pete: I stared at the tiny numbers on my phone. 3:12am.
This is the third time this week. I thought to myself as I  made my  way to the kitchen for cold water. Pete had to take Bronx to see Ashlee. He left at 12pm and has been making up excuses to leave every other day. I'm tired of it.
You looked at the clock on the oven.
3:15am. I heard a car pull up, doors open and then keys struggling to open the back door. You then saw a sweaty Pete with a very tired Bronx. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? you practically screamed at him. You stormed up to your room threw a pillow down the stairs and locked your bed room door. You took your phone of the dresser next to you.
To: Pete💘
Have fun sleeping on the couch:).
You saw that he read the message the familiar 3 dots popped up  for a good two minutes then went away.
You closed your eyes and drifted away, You knew tomorrow was going to be a long day.
By the time you woke up you went down stairs.
No one was to be found. You went into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.
'I'm taking Bronx to Ashlee's I'm going to stay there for a while myself seeing the fact that you don't want me around. Don't bother calling me or texting I don't care anymore. See you around. - Pete'
You started to cry but you were also angry you started to throw glasses on the ground as yell a bit. You grabbed all of Pete's clothes and put them in your fire pit. You set them on fire and watched as they all turned to big
patches of black ashes.
I  didn't mean for it to happen. It just sorta did,  I Y/N, Y/L/N cheated. I never thought I would say that. Ever since I moved in with Andy I kept making my way down to my local coffee shop.  Made lots of friends down their one in particular Justin. He was attractive,Smart, funny and nice. I was so bored with Andy that I forgot how nice it is to go out and have fun. I love Andy it's just it's not the same with Justin. He makes me feel more alive and happy. I don't know how to tell Andy that but I hope he takes it well.
Joe: The last time he came home drunk it turned violet and he started to throw things at me I just don't know what to do.
I came to talk to my best friend Pete because he knew joe better then me.
"Maybe you should break it off with him. He's going through a lot right now"
after Pete said that he left the table we were eating at. Later that evening I went home and Joe was no where to be found. I sighed and wrote him a letter.
"Hey. I'm going to leave for a while, call me when you decide to act like a real man!! Goodbye- y/n"
I hope he calls soon and stops this non sense!! I said to myself as I walked out the door of our  shared home.

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