Your secret talent:

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Gerard: You sing:
You have been in choir at school as a child, one day you were in the shower and Gerard heard you singing a Paramore song , he quickly sang along as he started to walk into the bathroom.
Mikey: You cook:
You have been obsessed with Martha Stewart and Paula dean. Your favorite channel is the cooking network, you could make fish, 5 star restaurant burgers and fresh chewy chocolate chip cookies.
Frank: You're an artist:
You woke up at 4am on a Sunday night. Being the weirdo you are, you got up and started to jot down a bunch of ideas for characters you made up, as you began to draw these people you make a lot of noise with the pencils and shit causing Frank to wake up and see your beautiful artwork.
(I hate writing and I suck at this)
Ray: You dance:
You were home alone
(or so you thought) and started to dance to the newest Panic! at the disco song "Don't threaten me with a good time" you started to shake your butt and move your hips in every possible way. The song ended and you turned around to be startled by a shocked Ray Toro.

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