Mingyu > Exams

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Kimi POV
After I had an argument with the girls, I decided to go home and sleep since it's almost 11.

"You know those girls really deserved it. You should of said something more so they don't piss you off anymore." He says while driving. He parks in front of my house and I look at him confused.
Mingyu did I tell you were I live ? I swear I was just talking about how annoyed I am. He looks at me and pulls a face.
"Haha, I um-" he tries to explain himself and starts scratching his back. "Good night Kim. He says all of a sudden.
I get out of his car and bid him goodbye.
Mingyu thank you for today it was great and I enjoyed it. If you have any trouble with your studies come over, okay ? Hesitate okay night.

~~ The day after~~
-Text message from Kang Minhyuk
At 7:14
R u ready for the exam ? Or was you to busy getting bang by the new model guy ? 😝
I swear Minhyuk is funny. It's exam day and I'm scared. I know it's only midterms but I've never been so distracted like this before. First I spent my Saturday with Jongin and then I went with Mingyu yesterday I swear he's such a good friend.
I got into my car and drove my way to school. I got into the car parking lot and saw Kai and his driver.
"Hey baby, did you sleep well yesterday. I'm sorry I was coming over yesterday bu- "
"Kim I was studying all night and save your excuses. I know you was with Mingyu last night so I hope you studied well."
I put my hand on his arm and he was taken aback by this.
Hey I can't touch you now ? Jongin you know your the only guy I love right ? I said looking right into his eyes.
"Kim I'm not pissed I'm just worried about today. Plus my dad has me in lockdown. He took everything"

It's okay Jongin, I'll call you on Jungah's phone later. I said while smile painted on my face while walked hand in hand to our class.
We didn't notice a familiar face following our move.
" You'll be mine when I finish with him."

I walked into class and noticed how the seats were all separated individually. I sat down in the middle of the room and someone nudged me.
"Noona, did you study well for the exams ?" I looked behind me and found Jungkook.
Hey Jungkook, yeah I guess. Did you study well ? I asked.

"Yeah, I was studying all weekend. I didn't notice how much we have. I heard Friday . Party at Yours right ?
Yeah I nod. Layla sprints in and sits on the chair next to me.
Layla I've been trying to call you all weekend ! I say.
"I've been studying hello" I'm not like everyone else in our class. I tend to get good grades."
Okay Lay, I hugged her and she asked if I studied and it turns to our normal chatting about the weekend until I see Bomi.
"Hey Layla, Kimi. Did you to have fun with Kai and Sehun because it's about time us resident girls have our guys back."
Her phone beeps and her facial expression changes. I know she's a bitch and she doesn't deserve it but I asked her what's wrong. She furrowed her eyebrows sat hurriedly in her seat.

"What's wrong with her ?" Layla whispers.
I don't know I say maybe-

"MINGYU !" Sulli says aloud. Mingyu enters the classroom with a smirk on his face and seats behind Sulli and Bomi.

"Mingyu you can sit next to me if you need any help." Sulli says while her and other class mates squeal at his arrival.

"Okay class good luck with your exam and I hope you all do well." Mrs. Choi says and out the exam papers.

~~ Lunch time ~~

"Kim, stop eating we need to go study for the exam !" Layla says. While giving me a not so nice look. My eyes grow bigger at her statement.
"Kim!" "Kim!" Bret shouts my name from across the lunch hall and brings his tray opposite us.

"I was looking for you all day."
Really what's up ? I say in worry.
"It's Bomi. She got a text from an unknown number and it was a threat that if the whole school knew that you and Mingyu went out she'll die. Why did you send her that ?"
"What ?" Me and Layla drop the things in her hand.
"I'm not finished yet. I was walking on my way to the schools backyard and I saw Sulli with Mingyu. He looked scary with rage in his eyes."

"Wa... Was he thr...threatening her ?" Layla says while stuttering.
Bret shrugs his shoulders.
"I get this bad aura from this guy. Does anyone know anything about him ?"
Well, his elder brother is Kim Myungsoo. Bret and Layla both look at me.
"Kim Myungsoo ? Are you serious ?" Layla says.
"Yes" I nod. He moved from America and he lived with his mum their while Myungsoo live here with his dad. Erm, what else ? Oh his cousin died a year ago and so did his girlfriend. I explained.
Layla eyed me. How do you know this ? Did you talk to Myungsoo again ?

"Hey babygirl"Kai says while hugging me from behind my chair.
"How did you do ?" He waves at Layla and Bret and seats next to Bret.
I did okay I think. I say

"Okay ? I thought you'd do better than okay. Haha. Our exam was good. I just wished I studied more."
Kai says while biting some of my cookies.
I didn't notice and I looked down to the floor. Why did Mingyu look so scary and was he threatening Sulli ? He boy can do no harm I'm sure. Who sent that message to Bomi ? Because i sure didn't, I don't even have her number.

"Kimi !" Are you okay ? Kai says while waving his hand in front of my face. I'm fine. I say. While fixing my school uniform.
The school bell rang so we Gotta get to our exam as soon as possible. I gathered my stuff and sprinted out the lunch room leaving everyone at the table confused.
"Kim wait !" Kai says. We have the same exam remember ? He says while linking our arms together.
We entered the room to see Bomi on Mingyu's lap and the make out session was getting serious.
"Oi, there's a hotel down the road if you need it." Kai says while sitting down and pulling me on the chair next to him.

"Kai, just because your jealous of me and Mingyu doesn't mean you have to be a hater." Bomi says
She starting pulling in his hair and put a finger from his shoulders right to his abdomen.

"Mingyu, you know I can tutor you after school, if you need help with anything." She says while seducing him.
I start giggling and so does Jongin.
Bomi you know your boyfriend would dump you if he found out you was cheating on him, right ?"
"Minhyuk isn't my boyfriend." She says while angered.
"Besides, I'm not the only one cheating, eh ?" She says looking at at Jongin.
"Bomi, please get off me." Mingyu says quite annoyed that the girl is still on him."
"Excuse me ? Are you gay or something ? How dare you say that to me."
"Sorry who are you again ?" Mingyu says while lifting and a brow.
Kai and I react with laughter.
"Mingyu your going to regret this. You and your girlfriend" she says while pointing to me.
"I'm sorry my girlfriend is dead."
Kai looks at Mingyu and I notice the stare. I know if I ask him what's wrong he wouldn't tell me.
The teacher walked in with the papers and handed it out.

~~~ 7:30 P.M~~~

Bomi POV

I kept getting weird text messages from an unknown number I don't know who it is. Eh. This is so annoying, I'm guessing it's Kimberley, but I don't think she's violent. This messages were threats.

I need to get to Naeun's house before 8. I have to pick up my notes from here for tomorrow's test.
~phone call from Naeun~
Naeun: Heyy boo, where are you it's pretty late and I'm about to go to bed.
Bomi: it's almost 8 ! Okay I'm on my way. Bye.
Naeun: okay bye.
End of phone call

I told my mother is be back in half an hour and I close the front door behind me. I remember I parked my car across the street and I noticed a black SUV in front of me. The night lights were on so bright that it blinded me. All of a sudden, I hear the engine and it starts moving towards me.


It's about 10 PM and I'm ready to get some sleep. I finished my studies for tomorrow's exams thank god. I class the lights and lay in bed. My phone starts ringing. It's Layla.

Hey everybody 😘
How's the story going ? Please comment and give me your opinion about what I should improve please. Don't be too harsh though I'm fragile. >_< Please share. Sorry if there's grammar mistakes. ^_^

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