Kai Vs. Jongin

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"Are you okay ?" Sehun asks pulling me out of the lunch hall.

I burst out in hysterics crying and hug him.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up." He says holding my hand.

He leads me to the boys locker room.

"Okay I'm finished" Sehun stares at the stains still on my shirt and rolls his eyes.

"Here" he says unbuttoning shirt.

I give him a stare as he removes his shirt.

"Kim, I have another one in my locker.. I'll wait outside,okay ? "

We walk to his locker so he can wear his shirt, he tries lighting up the mood by telling a few jokes as he buttons up his shirt.

"Wait let me button this up for you." I say as I tip toe to reach Sehun's shirt.


- "I see you two didn't attend class, making another infamous video again ?"

I hide behind Sehun as he stands there before me.

"Jongin .. I" Sehun stutters being cut by Kai again.

"Please send me it before you send it to everyone, don't forget you fucked my girlfriend."

Jongin says with a huge grin on his face.

Sehun rolls his eyes, "Jongin, I'm your best friend why would you think I would do anything to harm yours and Kim's relationship ?"

"Because your fucking Jealous !" Kai says with clenching his jaw.

"Your so full of yourself.... You think your the shit. Sehun tries to clap back. I could tell Sehun really got scared.

Jongin's sly and could get away with just about anything especially with that smirk.

"Haha ! Wow the Mafia's son sounds so scared ! You know your dad is probably the last and greatest Don in this town. He looks at you with a cold heart and thorns He says still he's smirk

"Yeah well your not as different yourself. Sehun finally claps back as Jongin's grin turns into a frown.

"Stop it you two ! Jongin I called you last night why didn't you answer." I say on the verge of tears.

"I was busy" he says putting a hand through his hair with the biggest grin on his face.

Sehun's fists flinched at Kai's answer.

I better get going my friend is out of the mental rehabilitation.

"Kim can I tell you something just promise you won't get mad." Sehun says while holding my hand.

"Well it depends on what it is." I say, what does he have to hide were best friends...... well we did some dumb shit along time ago.

"I'm the one that videoed us.." Sehun says looking directly into my eyes.

I've never bitch slapped anyone ever.

Sehun's POV

Kimberley left the empty hall leaving a stuttering Sehun.

^His phone started buzzing*


I suggest you use protection next time and keep your friends a little closer or else.


Sehun's brows furrowed at the text.

Authors POV

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