I'm a Princess!?

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Lucy PoV.

2 years have passed since Lisanna came back, 2 years have passed since everyone ignored me except for a few people which I called my true friends which was Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Romeo, Wendy and the exceeds. And 2 years have passed since I sacrifice my treasure just to save them. Natsu who I thought my partner and bestfriend came to me together with our team.

"Luce, uh ... Can we talk to you?" Natsu said nervously.

"Ofcorse," Lucy said.

"You see .... Uh ..." Natsu said stuttering.

"Hurry Natsu tell her already. Gray said looking down.

"Well, they want to kick you out of team Natsu because I will be replacing you." Lisanna said with a smirked on her face then she look at the team Natsu. "Was it really that hard to say guys?"

Ofcorse I was surprised I wanted to cry I wanted to breakdown but I held it in. Why? Because I love fairy tail and being in this guild is my dream, and I loved them because they are my family. Then I heard Erza whispered to Lisanna.

"You don't have to say it like that." Erza said looking sorry.

I feel betrayed with my own team, but I love them and they were my family so I just smiled.

"Ofcorse, you can guys." I told them with a smile on my face. I saw them surprised so I turned my back and said.

"Well, I guessed I have to go on a mission by my self." After I said that I heard Natsu, Gray and Erza called me but I cut them and went to the mission board, I was supposed to get the S class Mission when master Makarov called me so I went upstairs and saw everyone confused.

"Yes, master?" I said to him with a smile.

"Lucy, there is a request job for you and only you." Master Makarov said and smiled to me. "Good luck my child."

As I walked out the door I said my thanks to him and Immediately walked out the guild, I saw everyone staring at me when I look back to them I just smiled but seeing my family looking at me like I did something wrong It breaks my heart.

Natsu PoV.

We didn't kicked Lucy in the Team because she's weak or a replacement of Lisanna. We just want to be with Lisanna to filled that years gap where she was gone. I was surprised when Lisanna said those words to Lucy, I was just gonna tell Lucy that it's not what she think but when I looked at her she smiled at us and it pained my heart because the smile she gave us I can feel the disappointment's, Sadness, Confused and maybe angered? I tried calling her in fact, me Erza and Gray called her but she went to the request board. I walked towards her but Master called her and she immediately run upstairs.

"Natsu, let's go on a job." Lisanna called me and hold my arm.

"Uh .. Uhmp .. Sure?" Looking at Lucy I answered Lisanna.

I don't know why I felt like Lisanna is trying to distance my relationship with Lucy but then again maybe it was just my imagination. After 5 minutes I was sitting on the table together with my teams and saw Lucy walking downstairs, before Lucy opened the door she turned back at us and smiled. Again I saw that sadness in her eyes.

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