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I went to the guild to tell everyone about Zeref the man who will destroyed humanity, as I opened the door of the guild I saw everyone looking at me coldly. Then Mira suddenly slap me, I was really surprised I tried to ask them when I saw Lisanna with the team Natsu injured.

"What happened to Lisanna?" I asked I looked at the team Natsu and everyone looking at me like ... Like I tried to killed their Lisanna? 

"I see." I said in a low voice. "I'm sorry, but it wasn't me who injured Lisanna." I said with a smile and sadness on my eyes.

"Who would believe such a lie? You were the only person who weren't here last night." Mira said with a sad impression.

 "That's right your probably jealous because team Natsu have kicked you out and I replaced you!! Is that why you attacked me last night?" Lisanna smirked.

I looked at the team Natsu and they just look at me with confused, sadness, angered. I was taken back when everyone was throwing a cans on me saying that they don't need someone like me in the guild, this time I really do wanna tell them that it wasn't me then master Makarov stop them and called me upstairs.

"Goodbye Master." I smiled.

I went out on the guild then I took a glance on everyone but tears was forming on my eyes so I turned my back to them, and heard Levy call out my name.

"Lu-Chan I know you didn't do it. Why are you just smiling? Tell them TELL EVERYONE HOW LONELY YOU WERE FOR THIS PAST 2 YEARS." Levy yelled I looked at Gajeel holding Levy to stop her I looked at Gajeel then he smiled at me. I know that smile meant that he understood me to look after Levy.

I took a deep breath still facing the guild door. "Thank you, because you accepted me to be your family, thank you for ignoring me this past 2 years, thank you for kicking me out of the team Natsu and in the guild, thank you for throwing cans on me, but despite of what everyone did to me today .... I Lucy Heartfilia forgive everyone, because I loved everyone and you are my family. But I want everyone to know I am proud to be in a fairy tail therefore, I would never hurt anyone from this guild." I took a deep breath again to open the door but before I left I turned back to them with a tears running down on my right cheek and said. "Goodbye Everyone." 

I could see everyone's sadness, regret and confused looked, then I saw master raising his right hand to tell me he will look for me wherever I go.

Natsu pov.

I saw Lisanna inside the guild bruised everywhere then Lisanna told us that it was Lucy who did this to her, ofcorse I didn't believe her because I know Lucy won't hurt anyone. Then Lucy just arrived in the guild I was supposed to ask her when Mira slap her, everyone was throwing cans at her. I was angry but I was confused because Lucy did not defended herself. Was it really her? Or is Lisanna was lying? I just don't know what to do anymore so I just sat back to my chair when Lucy looked at me with,  I know I should go and help her, I know I should go and help her defend herself. But then she started talking that made me froze on my spot. I want to go after her, but I am too ashamed to even look at her. Now I realized that I would regret this day for the rest of my life.

Lucy pov.

"Princess, are you ready?" Aqua asked me opening the portal.

"Yes, I am." I said in a low voice.

After 3 years of being away in my guild and my training I now have the power of flame dragon, water dragon, nature dragon, god dragon, fairy dragon and all sorts of magic. I was also crowned to be the queen of the dragons. It has been 3 year since my family neglected me. But what can I say at least master, Levy and Gajeel know that it wasn't me who injured her.

No one's Pov.

It has been 3 years since Lucy was kicked out in the guild, since she was everyone in the guild has been gloom because they regret what they did to Lucy. 

In the guild.

Natsu pov.

Me, Mira, Erza and Gray was on our way to the guild then we heard someone talking beside the guild. And when we look at them it was Levy and Lisanna arguing so we decided to listen for a bit.

"Lucy? Oh yeah, since it has been 3 years since she left then I guessed I could tell you, last year was just an act because I hate Lucy and I wanted her out of the guild." Lisanna said while laughing. I can't believe she was lying to us. I was surprised, angry to just wanna punch Lisanna then I heard Mira walking towards Lisanna.

"What do you mean Lisanna?" Mira said in a cold voice, then she change to her take over and punch Lisanna in front of the guild door.

Mira took Lisanna inside of the guild, everyone were confused why Mira was dragging her sister inside of the guild. Then she told everyone.

Erza Pov.

We happened to eavesdropped Levy and Lisanna's conversation then Mira dragged her inside of the guild.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! I.... I... I slap her .." Mira said kneeling down on her knees. 

"How dare you do this to everyone! To us .. We throw cans on her then kicked her out of the guild." Cana said.

I was surprised when and I had no Idea what was happening when Natsu yelled.

"YOu!! You lied to everyone. YOU LIED TO ME~!! " Natsu said and I can see his anger towards Lisanna but most of all angry of not being able to help Lucy 3 years ago. after all we did something unforgivable to Lucy. 


Gray Pov.

I can feel my blood boiling I can't believe we did this I knew something was wrong 3 years ago but I decided to just watch Lucy walk out the door alone. I walk towards Lisanna when I heard Levy screamed.

"What's wrong Levy?" Gajeel said holding Levy's arm.

"It's all your fault.. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. ARE YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW? Treated Lucy like that without even investigating anything?" Levy yelled, and everyone have their head down and surprised. 

"Lucy I'm so ... Sorry." Erza said while crying.

"What have we done?" Cana said while crying.

"We can look for her to say sor ..." I said but was cut off by Gajeel.

"SHE'S NO LONGER HERE IN MAGNOLIA!!! DAMN IT! SO there is no way we can find her!" Gajeel yelled which made everyone quiet. 


I love Natsu+Lucy but I think I will stick on Sting+Lucy :D

But no worries I don't want Natsu ruining anything, they were bestfriend's after all

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