Chapter Twenty Four: Celebration

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Hey guys, don't forget to vote :) this is unedited for the time being, will be looked over this evening.

After the press conference, we walked back through the paddock toward the Red Bull hospitality unit. A large crowd of media was following us, along with fans who'd ask Daniel for his autograph. We didn't stop, although he signed as we went along.

We were due with Sky F1 in barely a minute's time.

At last, our unit came into view and I led the way up the steps and into the space where music was being played. Daniel's podium trophy was being kept in here for now, ready to show on TV. He hadn't dropped this one. Yet!

I raised my hand to the film crew and smiled at Dan. He was looking drained but elated. Very, very happy.

He went off to the garden sofa that was outside, overlooking the racetrack. We'd hosted a number of sponsors in this facility, as well as our motorhome and garage.

I checked my phone before joining the team and noticed that a couple of friends and family had been texting me. Obviously, they'd been watching the race too. Apparently, little Olivia was very proud of her Uncle Danny.

My beating heart.

A few of my other childhood friends made me smile even more as I responded to an important email. Then I went out to join the crew and Daniel who was having a swift drink.

Shortly after, the interview commenced.

It was pretty standard for the likes of Sky until Crofty looked up, and looked left. In my direction.

"Okay, now can we bring your PR in?" he asked Daniel, who smirked.

My heart rate rocketed as I went to Dan for advice. Ironic, seeing as this is was what I did for a living.

He gave me an affirmative nod and I wearily went to join them, sitting down next to the Australian.

"Now we didn't want to embarrass you too much. Not live on air, anyway," Crofty said, raising his eyebrows. "But I think everyone saw you hand the champagne bottle down to this lady, Dan."

That was Dan and I's cue to blush. Of course, the only other viable reaction was to grin quite a large amount.

"Ah, man. Really? I thought I was being discrete..." Daniel replied, turning his head to me.

"Discrete," I confirmed, glancing down at my shoes.

Crofty was amused. "Well, we and the viewers of Sky F1 wanted to congratulate you both on your engagement that a little birdie told us about. We got you a little something."

And then out came a canvass of the moment on the podium that had happened less than an hour ago. I was stunned that they'd had a photo like that printed in such a short space of time.

I really didn't want to see the substitute photo in case that one had gone a bit tits up.

Daniel placed his hand on my knee and I fought back the urge to cry. Mum and Dad would still be watching at home. And Jasper. I couldn't forget Jasper.

"Wow, cheers guys. I'm stoked," Daniel stuttered, giving a side of the canvass to me so I could see it. We both looked very emotional, and Paul, Lizzie and Sam were all in the photograph too, looking up and smiling. "A very special moment. It'll stick with us for a long time."

"Saskia?" Crofty asked. "We know you're usually the one watching the interviews and not being interviewed...what was the podium like?"

Daniel squeezed my knee as I just grinned like a loon for a few seconds.

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