Chapter 52: Where We Left Off

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It was brilliant being back in Australia. London was hectic, Monaco never switched off. Perth - lovely, lovely Perth - was chilled. It was the cool Aunt, the only one that made you feel fab. Yet, the coolness factor was like Brooklyn on drugs.

Even I wanted to grab a surfboard and ride the waves. 

In reality, I knew doing that would probably see me drown or get eaten by a shark. Or attacked by a stingray. Or jellyfish. Sea snakes!

Okay, Perth was chill but the animals living there most certainly were not.

Outside of the weird goings on in my brain, Daniel and his dad, along with my dad, were standing at the BBQ. Each had a beer in their hand, smiles plastered over their faces. I could see them through the pretty French doors. I was in the kitchen, preparing a salad with Dan's mum who I may have just told about the pregnancy scare.

I could not help it; it just came out. Like a trapped fart...

No, not like a trapped fart.

"Will you try properly now you know?" Grace asked, washing the tomatoes. I could hear my mum singing next door as she pooled together the cutlery and crockery. My face went the color of a tomato have a flashback to earlier. There was something naughty about having sex in your partner's parent's house. "Would love you two to have a kid as soon as. I want someone to buy cute clothes for."

"We'll see what the new year brings," I replied, biting my lip. "Although, we had our first try."

"You got that in quick." Me and my stupid mouth! "That's brilliant. It may take a while though, Dan was a nightmare to conceive, so don't give up..."

"We really want a baby so we'll keep going until there's a bun in the oven!"

"There are only potatoes in the oven?" Grace questioned, perplexed.

"Sas, there aren't any buns. Stop thinking about cake." My mum made her entrance into the kitchen and rolled her eyes. 

"Mum, I was talking about getting pregnant!" Thankfully, mum and I'd had that chat earlier, so things were out in the open. It was better this way as it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "It's what the youth say..."

"Have you booked your doctors appointment?" Mum changed the subject, giving me a stern look.

"Dan is taking me in the morning."

"What am I doing?" the Aussie asked, grabbing another beer out of the fridge. "Does anyone else wanna drink?"

"Taking Saskia up the doctors," mum's facial expression relaxed with Daniel's presence. He tended to have that effect. "And no thank you."

Dan popped a  grape in his mouth before throwing one in my direction. I landed on my arm and I ate it, thinking it was one of the best grapes I had ever eaten. 

"Yeah," Dan put his arm around my shoulder and gave my arm a squeeze. "Got to get this one checked out and make sure she's fine and dandy inside and out."

"Creep," I said and pecked him on the cheek. When I looked back at my mum and Grace, their eyes said it all. According to them, we were already married and had a family of our own.


The next day saw some even hotter weather. By now, it was well into the evening and I was still fighting the sweat.

The doctors had been reassuring. I was/had been stressed, and I had also been told that I was anemic which came as a surprise. Regardless, it was a huge relief to know that with a little TLC I would be back to my usual self.

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