Chapter Thirty Six: Break

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Daniel was on all fours in a patio area off the master bedroom. I'd sprinted through the house quickly after he had called me. I hadn't moved that fast in a while.

"No!" I shrilled, backing away.

"She a beauty..." Daniel stayed at ground level as the menacing creature slithered toward him. Yes, slithered.

"She a killer. Move away," I said as I desperately tried to stay calm. I wasn't doing a very job, and that was expected when faced with a massive snake.

Luckily, Dan sensed the terror in my voice and he stood up, dusted his shorts down and then took a few steps in my direction just so I didn't have an aneurism.

"It's cool though, right?" he tried, imitating the snake's tongue action. It made me chuckle despite my blood running cold in sheer terror. Lions? Fine, but not venomous snakes that could strike at any time. Without warning.

"It's cool. But I don't want you to get killed and it could have been prevented."

"What do we do, just let it slither?" His hands went on his hips as he weighed up our options. Calling someone would be best; did not want to risk a child dying because someone didn't call the dangerous creature removers or whatever they were called. The only problem we had in the U.K. was the odd rat and the neighbours' cat taking a shit in your garden.

Not snakes that could kill you with ease. And enjoy it!

"I'll search for a number, think there was one in the welcome book." Daniel decided on what to do, tugging me away from the reptile when it started to take an interest in us.

"I'm going to call Bridget and talk hours," I said and didn't feel any better at that thought. It was, however, a thing that needed doing for Daniel's sake. I was worried about him. Really worried.

"Are you sure?" he asked slowly and for a moment we both forgot about the snake that was still working its way towards us.

I nodded and walked inside, Daniel following me through into the main living area. Whilst I found Bridget's number, Daniel shut the glass door and observed the snake, running its scales against the glass.

I shivered before hitting call on my phone and wandering into the little snug area for some privacy. I had been in two minds about this but in all fairness I didn't particularly know what I was going to say or how I was going to word it.

Usually you had to give 4 weeks notice for holiday.

Usually my time off wasn't taken because your fiancé, who was a vital part of the team, was stressed and needed to spend more time with you.

Actually, I needed to speak to Captain Exercise first to make sure he was on the same wavelength as me. Had Daniel told me the full extent of things? Or, had Daniel mentioned his stress to Paul? I hoped he had.

Paul, luckily, was on my favourites list and so his number was pressed within seconds. And Paul, unlike normal Paul, picked up on the first ring.

"How is my favourite person with their name beginning with S and ending in A?" Paul chuckled, finding his comment funnier than I ever would.

"Good thanks," I whispered back. "How's Brazil?"

"Fucking hot. How's the sex?"

"Brilliant," I replied, still trying to keep my voice down. "I need to talk to you..."

"Why are you whispering?" I heard Lizzie shouting in the background at the TV. Who knew you could still watch The Chase in Brazil?

"Because it's about Dan," I exhaled. "I'm worried."

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