Chapter Thirty: Return of the Beard

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Despite only a few hours of sleep, I was awake bright and early the next morning. The curtains flutted softly in the wind, allowing sunlight in to wake me up.

I opened my eyes, it taking me a couple of moments to remember that I was sleeping alone and in fact at home in Monaco.

Stretching out, I nestled into the ridiculously soft pillows and rolled over onto Daniel's side. It had felt odd waking up with the bed covers fully in tact. To my surprise, I hadn't wrapped myself up in it, leaving more than enough duvet for Mr. Blanket Stealer...shame he was surfing in South America. Nicaragua, if I was feeling really geographically precise.

Two more days, I told myself, and then I would have my loveable goofball back. It sucked not having him about. It sucked even more there not being a human water bottle to share the bed with, meaning I had to actually wear clothes. Meh.

Usually I would have offered him a coffee, only for him to leap out of bed and bring me one before I could even protest. We did tend to get up early, unless it had been a particularly hectic week and Daniel had a gap in his training schedule. I'm not saying we were then lazy, because even then we'd still get up and dressed, but it felt odd sitting down for an hour and not having anything to worry about.

I closed my eyes briefly before I became too eager check my phone. Said goofball could have got signal again and sent me a message. Not that he was obliged to- we'd sworn not to even Snapchat each other for goodness sake.

Against all my need for sleep, I reached for my phone (knocking a bottle of water off the bedside table in the process) and entered the passcode.


What do you think of this design????
Please say you think it is as rad as me
Man, your replies are shit
Oh you're probably asleep
Thanks for that picture it was very helpful;) xx
What I should have said is that I'm so fucking lucky to have you

I had a few bursts of laughter before replying with a 'fucking love it you big softy!!'

Then I reassured Daniil and decided I'd probably better get up to do some work. First stop- brushing my teeth and walking down to the bakery to grab a couple of croissants. The next door neighbour would be knocking at the door with her newborn later on. I hadn't exactly made the place baby-proof but hey, least we didn't have the problem of stairs.

No, but there was the problem of a terrace roof thing and being twenty stories high. HAHaHa.

Quickly getting ready, I grabbed the keys from wherever I had dropped them (quite literally) last and ventured out into the block's landing. Looking at the lift and looking at the stairs, I decided I had better take the latter if I was going to be shoving down pastries. I didn't want Dan spotting me and deciding he had made a terrible mistake in asking me to marry him.

"Saskia!" I was stopped short a couple of flights down but a German accent. It was only my favourite Nico (sorry, Rosberg). "How are you?"

"Nico!" Wow, Saskia, don't sound so happy to see another male. "What you doing here?"

"Been, um, to see someone," he replied, catching up with me and blushing. His eyes were shining which was a huge giveaway. It was obvious what he had been up to. "Where you heading?"

"Croissants," I replied, ignoring the fact he'd just sneaked out of someone's bedroom. Practically all of the women in the apartments were models of some kind, quite depressing if you ask me. Bet they didn't eat croissants though. In their faces!

"Can I join?"

"And how will your...friend feel about that?"

"Oh she went to work, I let myself out." He flashed me a rather annoying grin and gave my frizzy hair a playful ruffle, making it even more giant puffball like. "How are things without Daniel?"

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