Chapter Forty Two: Reality Check

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The walk to the HR office was awful. It was in silence and I was beginning to feel sick to my core. Usually I would get a half smile out of Adam, but I was not going to get one today.

Adam was stern at the best of times, and that was being proved to me right now. Gulp.

Eventually, we reached his office and went in. I clocked the box of tissues on the table and was nearly sick there and then. Fuck.

"Sit down," he said, nodding toward the chair opposite his immaculate desk.

So, with shaking hands, legs and just about anything that could shake, shaking, I took a seat and rolled back a good few inches. The bloody chair has wheels on. Who does that to a guest's chair? Surely it was a health and safety no no. Had to be. STOP THINKING ABOUT A FLIPPING CHAIR.

Actually, could I wheel myself out the office without Adam noticing? Not with the way he was watching me.

"Saskia, first and foremost there has been some serious allegations made against you," Adam told me, not breaking eye contact. Direct, Adam, thank you. And yes I am fine, thank you for asking. My journey was okay.

The Head of HR pulled out a piece of paper from a file with today's date on it and placed the glasses that were resting on top of his head, on the tip of his nose.

"Bridget logged a formal complaint today at 2:09pm, stating that you had sent an inappropriate email to a member of Infiniti UK, resulting in them withdrawing sponsorship. Is this correct?"

My heart was thudding in my chest; I could not digest what was happening. I couldn't say anything. I had been betrayed. I had flown all this way back and now I was being framed.

"I shall continue then, Saskia," said the man in front of me gravely. "Bridget has claimed that you did not tell her that you had sent her this email as you attempted to cover it up by not stating how you had come to find out the news of Infiniti pulling out. Bridget states that she saw it on your computer this morning when you had gone to the toilet, but had left your emails displayed on your desktop. Is this correct?"

"No," I whispered.

"As a result, she emailed me and we have had an in-depth discussion where she has written a statement, which I am holding in my hands. Do you understand?"

No, I didn't.

"Saskia, do you understand what I am saying?" Adam said a little louder, a little firmer.

"I do but it is not correct-"

"As of 3:56pm you are under investigation for violation of Red Bull's policies. This shall be looked into fairly, and you will have a chance to present your side of the case later on today or tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"Am I being suspended?"

"You are being asked to go home until you are called in to make an official statement later on."

"I haven't done anything wrong," I replied in a tiny voice. "Bridget rang me in Iceland last night and the email came from her account."

"I understand this is a very difficult time for you, but you must not say anything until the official hearing. We shall contact you via your landline number as we shall need to cease your phone and email account as evidence."

"But I need to call Daniel..."

"You can use the office phone now. I take it you know his number off by heart. If not, I can go and get it." Was I imagining it, or was Adam using a mocking tone? Something was amiss with his last statement, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

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