~The shed~

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  The two brothers knew the rules, the most important one being: " Never go into the shed". A rule made by their father.

  One day, after the two boys (James and Arthur) finished their lunch, they  went outside to play football. After about half an hour, the ball was kicked so hard and landed in front of the shed. The boys went to retrieve it.

Arthur picked it up when his brother noticed that the shed's door was opened. "Hey Arthur! Check that out! I think dad left the door opened. " " No James! Dad said we must not go in there! "  But James went in anyways.

Arthur didn't want to see what's inside and he didn't want to get in trouble so he ran to his room.

  Later that night, Arthur went downstairs for dinner. He found only three plates instead of four. " where's James? "  he asked a little bit shaken. "I don't know anyone called James and you don't either".

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