~My Little Brother~

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This story contains sexual content.


I went through my little brother's text messages... Now I wish I never did


I'm so terrified. I always knew. I always knew something was off about my little brother, but now... please, I need help. I just don't know what to do.

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm your prototypical overprotective big sister. My little brother, Jeremy, is five years younger than me. He's a sweet kid, but really quiet, the kind who wears glasses and gets shoved around in the hallway. When I was in high school, I followed him through the middle school hallways, watching out for him like a hawk so his bullies couldn't get to him. I don't mean to brag, but I was pretty popular, so I was able to use my influence to protect him while I was in the school. After I graduated, it got more difficult. I heard about it even all the way at university. Mom would call me crying about Jeremy. The other kids called him names: freak, psycho, creep. It used to make my blood boil - if I was home, I'd never let anyone hurt Jeremy.

The thing is, though, Jeremy never seemed bothered by the bullying. When kids would shove him, or give him disgusted looks, or snigger as he walked down the hallway, or trash his locker... he just walked through school with his head down, drifting off into his own little world. I used to really worry about him, you know? He really daydreams. He just can't seem to stay in this reality.

But he's still my little brother. My sweet, quiet, space-case little brother.

I was thrilled when I came home last spring break and discovered that Jeremy had landed himself a girlfriend. As soon as I walked in the door, he was talking non-stop about this girl, Theresa. She's beautiful, she'd kind, she's smart, she likes all the things Jeremy likes... on and on. Now, you have to understand, Jeremy almost NEVER talks. I'm the closest person to him in this world and he never says more than five sentences a day to me.

Of course, I was so excited for him. But I was also a little suspicious about this girl. As soon as he said her name, I went into overprotective sister mode. I started poking and prodding, asking questions in an attempt to really understand this Theresa chick. I asked him how they met, but what I really wanted to know was what her intentions were. What's she like? But the real question was why she was going after my quiet, harmless little brother? Do you see each other often? Does she live around here? That meant: when do I get to meet her and grill her for myself?

Jeremy seemed blissfully unaware of the true intent of my interrogation. He answered all my questions freely and dreamily. I took careful note of all his answers, mentally promising to wring her little neck if she made him cry.

Unfortunately, I went back to college before I got to meet his little sweetheart. I decided I'd step aside - grudgingly - and give their relationship the opportunity to flourish. This was, after all, his first girlfriend. I didn't want to ruin his chances by making his family seem psycho.

Fast forward a few months. I came back for summer break and noticed that Jeremy had gone back to his usual self: quiet, unfocused, self-contained. As soon as we were alone, I inquired after his girlfriend.

"We broke up." He didn't sound heartbroken or even a little upset. He said it matter-of-factly, and I was left wondering what on earth had happened. I asked my mom, but she was just as clueless as I was: apparently one day he'd just stopped mentioning her and that was that.

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