~Not Worthy Alone 2~

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As Jim Brand lay dying, his wife left him with his nurse and went into the next room to rest. She sat in the dark staring into the night. Suddenly Mrs. Brand saw headlights speeding up the driveway..

"Oh no" she thought. "I don't want visitors now, not now." But it wasn't a car bringing a visitor. It was an old hearse with maybe a half dozen small men hanging from the sides. At least, that's what it looked like.

The hearse screeched to a stop. The men jumped off and stared up at her, their eyes glowing with a soft yellow light, like cats' eyes. She watched with horror as they disappeared into the house.

An instant later they were back, lifting something into the hearse. Then they drove off at high speed, wheels squealing, the gravel in the driveway flying in all directions.

At that very moment, the nurse came in, shook Mrs. Brand and told her husband had died!


A young couple out on a date parked along an old country road to be alone. They were listening to the car radio and talking. Suddenly the music was interrupted by a news bulletin. "A convicted murderer has escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane. The man was mutilated in a car wreck following a high-speed chase and is missing his right hand. A temporary hook has been attached to his right arm, which will make him easier to identify. The criminal's name is ..."

The boy turned the radio off. He leaned over to his girlfriend, expecting that the frightening news flash would make her snuggle. Instead, she was so scared that she wouldn't even let him get close to her.

"I'm afraid," she said. "Let's get out of here."

The boy tried to convince her that they were in no danger, but she refused to listen. He decided that maybe she didn't like him as he had thought, and was just using this as an excuse. The girl reached over and locked her door as the boy angrily started the car.

Just at that moment, they heard a thud on the passenger side of the car.

The boy slammed the car into drive and spun out onto the road. The girl screamed and held onto the boy as they sped off down the road. On the way back to town they both calmed down, but the girl still held on so tightly that the boy decided he was wrong about her after all. As they came closer and closer to her house, he tried to think of a way to impress her.

They pulled up in front of the house and the boy said, "I'll make sure it's safe first." He left the keys in the ignition but locked the door as he got out. He came around to her side to politely open her door, like a hero.

For a long time he just stood there, looking down at the door. At first the girl couldn't figure out what was wrong; then she realized that her door was still locked. She smiled and unlocked it.

The boy still just stood there.

The girl looked puzzled and rolled down her window. Then she saw that the boy was looking down at the door handle. She slowly looked down herself.

Hanging from the door handle was a bloody stainless steel hook.


A young man and his wife were on a trip to visit his mother. Usually they arrived in time for supper. They had gotten a late start, and now it was getting dark. They decided to look for a place to stay overnight and go on in the morning.

Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods. "Maybe they rent rooms", the wife said. So they stopped to ask. An elderly man and woman came to the door. They didn't rent rooms, they said. But they would be glad to have them stay overnight as their guests. They had plenty of room, and they would enjoy the company. The old woman made coffee, brought out some cake, and the four of them talked for awhile. Then the young couple were taken to their room. They explained that they wanted to pay for this, but the old man said he would not accept any money.

The young couple got up early the next morning before their hosts had awakened. On a table near the front door, they left an envelope with some money in it for the room. Then they went on to the next town. They stopped at a restaurant and had breakfast. When they told the owner where they had stayed, he was shocked. "That can't be", he said. "That house burned to the ground ten years ago, the old man and woman who lived there died in the fire."

The young couple could not believe it. So they went back to the house. Only now there was no house. All they found was a burned-out shell. They stood staring at the ruins trying to understand what had happened.

Then the woman started screaming! In the rubble was a badly burned table, on the table was the envelope they had left there that morning.


On September 12, 2008, two trains collided in the Chatsworth district of Los Angeles, killing 25 people in the crash. One of the passengers onboard was Charles E. Peck, who was travelling from Salt Lake City for a job interview in L.A. His hopes were high on landing the job as his fiancée, Andrea Katz, lived in California and he planned to marry her if he was hired.

During the next eleven hours, Peck's mobile phone sent numerous calls to his fiancée, son, brother, stepmother and sister. Overall, his loved ones received a total of 35 calls, however each time they answered they only heard static. When they called back, the calls went straight to voicemail. They family could only be optimistic and assume Charles was alive in the wreckage and calling for help.

When the search team finally traced Peck's phone signal and discovered his body in a lead passenger car, where most major injuries and deaths occurred, they reported that Charles had died on impact, and that he couldn't have possibly made the calls.

What's even stranger, is that they never found the phone.


Buried Alive: Your worst nightmare. But it's happened, quite a few times.

Just last month, a Greek woman with cancer was buried alive "by accident"; waking up to find herself in a coffin, only to die before being rescued. Cemetery visitors heard banging and muffled shouting from inside the grave, an hour after her funeral. When they eventually dug her up, doctors said she had been dead for hours. By the way, this wasn't in medieval times, when healthcare was a sad state of affairs - this was September 2014.

Some people are luckier. One astounding case happened in 1915, when a 30-year-old South Carolinian woman, Essie Dunbar suffered a fatal epileptic attack... well, everyone thought she did anyway. Her sister arrived late to the funeral, to see the last heaps of dirt being thrown onto the grave. She demanded to see her sister one last time and ordered the soil to be removed. When they opened the coffin lid, Essie raised up and smiled at the mourners around her - a sight that pretty much scared the living hell out of every person there. She went on to live for another 47 years.

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