Short Horrors!

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Hello Wattpad! Before diving into these 5 horrors I need to tell you that updates will be extremely slow.

For now, enjoy¡!~~


"My dog has a nasty habit of scratching the door in the middle of the night. One evening she wouldn't stop scratching the door for any reason. After calling her five times, I threw a pillow towards the door to make her stop. That's when she barked ... from right beside me. She'd been next to me the whole time."


"My father died in 1996, when I was 10 years old and my brother was 12. We slept in a bunk bed, and my brother had the upper bunk, while I had the lower one. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night with someone softly caressing my head. I thought it was my brother and ignored it. When I went back to sleep, the feeling returned. I got out of bed to confront my brother, but he was snoring quietly. I went back to bed and the caressing began a third time. I've never prayed so hard in my life. I prayed until sunrise the next morning."


"I work in an old building that was built in 1929. The space was closed for at least 20 years before we moved in because the previous owner had killed his wife, and then himself. We moved in two months ago and almost every day at exactly 12:08 p.m. the bell for the front door rings, but there's never anyone there. We've looked at the security recordings and everything, and there's never anyone there.

The other day I was alone in the office late in the evening. I was on my way out so I turned off all the lights, closed the windows, and activated the alarm. When I turned to close the door, the kitchen light was on (even though I had just turned it off). Another time, I arrived in the morning and the light in the main room turned itself off. I even heard the sound of the switch flipping. The last straw was when I saw my someone else's face next to mine in the reflection of my computer screen. There was no one there when I turned around.

I decided to talk about these things with the building manager's wife, who's lived in the building for several years. She assured me that it's actually pretty quiet in the building these days, and that there used to be a lot more strange occurrences, and at least now she can take the elevator by herself. I just laughed nervously."


"One time my husband and I had some friends over to eat pizza. One of my friends who has always been very ~mystical~ began to feel ill in the kitchen and excused himself to our bedroom. Once he was in the bedroom, he started to rock back and forth and giggle in a voice that made my hair stand on end. I ran out of the room, shivering with fear. My husband went in to check on him and soon returned saying our friend wanted to talk to me.

I went into the bedroom where my friend walked up to me with his eyes rolled back into his, made a few little grunts and said, "this is my house." Then he knelt and kissed my feet, rubbed his hand on my belly, and motioned as though he was nursing a baby. When he knelt again the phone rang loudly and he came out of the trance. About a month later I found out I was pregnant, which may explain the gesture he made. My father-in-law had died eight months before this incident, which might explains the 'this is my house.' To this day it still terrifies me."


"When I was 13 or 14 years old, I shared a bedroom with my sister and there was a mirror on the wall across from my bed. I woke up to a very bright light one night, as if someone had been shining a flashlight in my face. When I opened my eyes I saw an old man in a hospital gown with a reeeeeally long beard in front of the mirror. It was the old man that was shining so brightly.

He was putting on a feather necklace and saw me looking in the mirror. I was so terrified that when he started to turn to look at me, I froze. I couldn't call out to anyone because my voice wouldn't come out, and I couldn't even move. I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until it was time to get up. I went to school looking like a mess, because I went days without looking in the mirror. I never stayed alone in the bedroom again or in any place with mirrors."

"PS: To this day there's no mirror in my bedroom."

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