~Chef The Griller~

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(Quick A/N: Nope not Jeff The Killer XD although it was under the category "Jeff The Killer" on the Creepypasta site)


One month ago, on a rain-slicked street

My mother and I got a bite to eat

But on the way back, I slipped and fell

And I suppose the car coming didn't see me well

Because the next thing I knew, as I lifted my head

I was staring at the sheets of a hospital bed!

I could not move my legs, nor my right arm

My left was okay (it escaped from harm)

My mother came in, with a frown, and then

Said "honey, I'm afraid you'll never walk again."

A feeling came over me, not sadness or hate

But instead overwhelming apathy took place

"Oh well," I thought, "I guess I'm done.

My life is over before it's even begun!"

But the next day my mom approached me with a smile

And said that, with luck, I'd only stay here a while

And then, if feeling returned to my legs

I could come back with her and start my life again

Well, that filed me with hope; an optimism quite bright

And perhaps my stay here would even be alright!

The month passed by, rather pleasantly

I'll save you the details on how I went pee.

Most of my actions needed the assistance of a nurse

But really I was just glad to not be in a hearse

A reporter came to my room to tell my story

I think he was expecting something a little more gory

The triplegia of a fourteen year-old kid

Was something that, sadly, couldn't be hid.

My nurse was kindly, pretty and gentle

She helped me get through that month without going mental

She even gave me a book to read

About shipwrecked sailors whose captain couldn't lead

I learned on that day that human tasted like pork

The captain got eaten (but he was kind of a jerk.)

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