~Milk White~

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I was born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Unless you live nearby you've probably never heard of it. Even people in the large Wisconsin cities (Madison, Milwaukee) don't know we exist. Wisconsin in general is known for our cheese, our cows, and our love of beer. And of course for our excess of mental institutions and serial killers.

Ed Gein and Jeffery Dahmer hail from my home state. In case you've been living under a rock, they are two of the most infamous serial killers in America. I don't know if it's the cold climate or what, but we seem to breed quite a bit of crazy up here.

Sheboygan is not immune from the crazy. We have this old abandoned asylum by the highway. Here's a picture of it from an old post card.

 It used to house the criminally insane, at least according to local folklore

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It used to house the criminally insane, at least according to local folklore. This is where the Milk White legend came from.

Milk White was supposedly a patient at the asylum. He was born there, his mother being one of the inmates. No one knew what to do with him so he just crawled around the asylum, eating scraps. He had no other kids to play with. He was an albino and any form of light would horribly burn his skin, so he was never awake when there was daylight. Milk White grew up learning madness from the other inmates, desperate for human companionship. Something about that madness turned him from a human into a demon.

The story is that one day he found a way to get in and out of the asylum. He got it into his head that he could go find friends from the city. He peered into the windows of every house to see if anyone was awake. If he found a child awake, he would steal them away. Of course children are loud, so instead of taking them alive he would use his huge teeth to crush their necks. He would prop up the corpses of the children in the asylum basement, pretending to have an entire room of friends. He would sing them nursey rhymes in the dead of night.

The asylum was shut down a long time ago. Milk White had nowhere to go. So they say he still lives in the abandoned building, going out at night and bringing back the bodies of any kid still awake after dark.

This was all regarded as an urban legend. But I remember that story back from when I was a kid. There was an odd little rhyme that we used to sing on the playground. It went:
Hush now, sleep tight
Or else beware of Milk White
He doesn't fuss, he doesn't fight
He'll kill you dead with just one bite
Parents would use this tale to scare their children into going to sleep. It worked well, or at least it did for me. I fully believed the myth up until middle school. I remember that's when a new kid moved to town. He was from New York City, so we all thought he had to be way cooler than any of us
His name was Jimmy. He had a New York accent and everything. He wore chucks and had a leather jacket. He wore it all year round, even in the middle of winter. He was never quiet about how much he hated it in Sheboygan. My friend Hans and I made an uneasy friendship with him.

Hans was seventeen but dumb enough to be held back to middle school. He was huge compared to us. We'd been friends for a while. I actually grew up with his brother, Peter. Peter disappeared on a camping trip when we were seven. After that I started becoming closer with Hans. We'd hang out, play video games, and just do nothing. He wasn't very smart (hence being held back for so long) but he was a good guy. I liked being his friend.

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