~Truth or Dare~

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"Okay, now it's your turn!" Chloe cheered loudly.

"Sssshhh! You're going to wake up your mom," said Krissie.

"Oops, sorry. Teehee... So truth or dare?"

"Erm... truth..." Krissie seemed to be hesitating, but Chloe couldn't have it.

"Why truth? That's boring! You never pick dare... Chicken!"

"But I..."

"Chicken! Chicken!" Chloe crossed her arms and turned away.

"Fine. Dare then. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to... Go to my mother's room, flicker the lights and slam the bedroom door shut," Chloe pointed towards the door in the hallway. Right next to Chloe's bedroom, facing the stairs. "Just to scare my mother, because she forbade us to talk so late at night,"

"Are you sure?" Asked Krissie. "Won't I get caught? Maybe she'll find out we've been up all this time. Maybe she'll get mad and maybe I won't be able to come over anymore,"

"Why of course not, silly! She'll probably blame me anyways. Now go for it, go,"

Krissie went into the hallway and as Chloe said, she flickered the lights, closed the bedroom door with a loud slam, enjoying the sound of her mother's loud gasp and returned to Chloe's bedroom, closing the door behind her. They giggled together about what Krissie just did.

The giggling stopped when Chloe's mother had found her way to the hallway, stomping towards Chloe's room frustrated. Chloe quickly gathered the Ouija board, candles, books and other mickmack, threw it in a corner, jumped in her bed and pretended to be asleep.

Her mother opened the door, about to say something, but didn't. She sighed, stood there for a second, then closed the door again. She retrieved to her bedroom, went back to sleep, keeping the lights on and the door closed this time.

After a few minutes Chloe crawled out of bed quietly, grabbed the Ouija board and searched the ground for the playing chart. She then sat down in the middle of the room again, lighting four candles and spelling out the words:

"That was a close call," on the Ouija board.

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