~Not worthy alone 3~

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My father passed away last year. One item he always said he wanted me to have was a shotgun which had originally belonged to his grandfather. For years he had this shotgun stashed in the attic. After he passed, I had gone in the attic to look for it, only to find that it wasn't there.

A few months later, I had a dream in which I was talking to him and I asked him where he had put the shotgun. He told me it was in the closet of a spare bedroom. I called my mother and had her check, and sure enough that's where it was.


My mom told me this story the other day and it freaked me out. When my oldest sister was little, like 3, she asked my then pregnant aunt to pick her up to hold her. My mom said she was like "she can't pick you up, honey, she has a baby in her tummy." And then my little sister was like "that baby is dead!" My mom freaked out, but my aunt and grandma were fine and were telling my mom it was all good, she was just a toddler and didn't know what she was saying. Well lo and behold my aunt goes to the doctor the next day for a routine pregnancy checkup and the baby was dead.


Not me but my aunt, a woman who to my knowledge has never told me an untruth - Around Easter time many years ago the family was eagerly awaiting her Grandma (my great-grandma) to arrive to celebrate with them. She was due Friday.

Thursday night, after everyone had gone to bed, my aunt was woken by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and, much to her surprise, saw grandma smiling down at her. All grandma said was that she was very, very, sorry for not being able to be there for Easter. She wished my aunt a good night and said she was glad she got to see her before she went. My aunt thought nothing of it and went to bed.

The next morning they got the phone-call that Grandma has passed away in her sleep the previous night.


A few years ago, my best friend and I moved into a rent house. It was definitely a weird house and I got some weird vibes out of it. Every night when I went to sleep, I would hear music. Not singing, just music, like someone had a distant radio on, and not any song I could ever name.

I had dreams every night of a crowd of faceless people with a little boy standing in front. He never spoke but I could tell he was trying to tell me something.

The fridge would often open on its own and the cats would hiss at corners and such. We would smell cigarette smoke coming from the back room at three o'clock every day.

My aunts were (still are) big into ghost hunting so they set up cameras in my house one night. We didn't catch much, but one of the cameras was spun in circles for about fifteen seconds and at three in the morning, the front porch light turned itself on and got really bright and then faded off.

When I moved out of the house after two years, I had trouble sleeping because I didn't have the music anymore.
It was definitely a strange, strange house.

(Hmm I wonder what happened there? )


My dad died in a motorcycle accident a few years ago and after he died weird shit started happening at my dorm when I got back. The clock would fall off the wall and change time, batteries would separate themselves from remotes and bangs and knocks were regular. But the weirdest thing that happened was when I was back home from college and I took a shower, got dressed, and was headed back into the bathroom to finish getting ready and the mirror was just clearing off the steam and lo and behold I see smear marks faintly that looks like lettering. So I tip the mirror cause its one of those triple pane medicine cabinet mirrors, and I see 'Hey' spelled out in his handwriting with the elven I symbol that was in The Lord of the rings that my dad would put EVERYWHERE. This was probably 6+ months after he passed and I have no idea where it came from since it was only me and my mom in the house and I know she wouldn't do that. I have a picture of it I will try to find. The crazy part is like a week before that I had broke open a glow stick and it splashed on the mirror, but the writing was UNDER the splashes and none were smeared or touched. Still to this day cannot explain how it happened. We actually took the entire mirror off the wall so it wasn't ruined.

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