Kevin McCullough - The Ghost

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In a technical sense, Kevin is human. He does not hold an Essence in his blood and his body is not equipped to handle such energy in him. However, he does have Essence of Ghost bonded to his soul. Therefore, the only way it can be extracted is through removing his soul in its entirety.

In order for the Essence to make room for itself, pieces of Kevin's soul are no longer in him and were destroyed as the Essence took its hold. He's sometimes prone to occasional nightmares of past events and these holes in his soul make it worse, causing him on occasion to get stuck in the spaces in between and leaving Alister unable to draw him back.

Kevin's main power is his ability to fade. He's capable of slowly fading himself out of visibility and seemingly existence as when he's gone, he cannot be seen or touched. His gemstone Amplifier is that of moonstone, which is used for good fortune, protection and to retrieve missing/forgotten parts of the soul. Amplifiers serve the purpose of allowing a Wielder to use their essence to its full potential. In a way, it completes them, giving them what they need to access their full power. When Kevin amplifies, bright blue lines (the color of his eyes and Essence) glow and light up on his skin. His entire eyes glow blue as his power takes control, allowing him to move objects with his mind and his body to desolidify even if he's still visible. His legs vanish and leave him with a ghostly tail as well. Kevin is the only one who tries to avoid amplifying if at all possible as the entire process proves physically exhausting for him, causing him to pass out almost as soon as the amplification cuts.

Kevin has an huge fear of abandonment, especially involving Alix. Even though they are bonded for life and Alix can't leave him, Kevin is still terrified that one day he will. People have a history of leaving him behind and alone, causing him to not trust people initially either.

Royal Universe: Kevin was a petty thief who after being arrested for his crimes, was sent before the King and Queen. They heard his story and granted him home in the castle, seeing his potential to help them with their issue. He became a servant, undercover working closely with the King and Queen to gather information and later protect Alix's life.

Distarian Universe: In the Distarian (GoD) Universe, Kevin isn't from Distaria. He is from another universe called Xania and was sent there as punishment. He's never had friends, let alone any romantic exposure. So when he eventually starts falling for Alix, the entire thing is a shock.

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