Manny Dominick - The Vigori

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Typically the word 'vigor' is a synonym for 'strength', and Manny has a lot of it. Essence of Vigori is the Essence of extreme strength and the only essence that comes close to being able to fight it is Monster, but even they have a hard time and more often then not, they can't compare. Another perk of the Essence is that he is slightly invulnerable. It's very difficult for him to get sick and if he does, it doesn't really amount to much. Wounds are another story and he tends to get hurt like normal, but rebounds quickly if it wasn't too devastating of a blow.

Because of being so strong, Manny doesn't have many weaknesses. However the amount of strength he's capable of tends to prove exhausting if he's not careful. After a huge fight or if he is required to use too much of his strength at once, his first instinct is to sleep and allow his body to recover from the exertion. He will pass out if he's not careful. Manny's amplifier is Carnelian to help with motivation, endurance and increases in energy.

He tends to get anxious or stressed if situations happen too fast and out of his control. He cracks his knuckles for his nervous tick. If he gets too nervous or upset, he's been known to punch or kick a wall a bit too hard and leave holes, much to the other guys disdain.

Royal Universe: in the Royal universe, Manny is a freelance mercenary who travels often between the sister cities of Artania and Ardenia. Kevin ran into him a few times when he was still a thief but Manny does help him and Alix escape to Ardenia when the time comes.

Distarian Universe: in this universe, Manny was raised by the Von Demont family after his parents vanished from their work when he was young. When he got older, he trained and became a soldier in their royal guard, only leaving after Darkrai killed their parents and banished her sister Kankara.

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