Backstory Bits One - Alister/Amelia

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"Stop.......let me go....." Alister pleaded, trying to pull his arms free of the ropes tying his wrists to the bed frame. They were cutting into him from how long he'd been left there and blood was starting to drip down his arms from it. By this point, he knew the pulling was just making the wounds worse, but he just wanted free.

"Now that wouldn't be fun." Amelia smiled, climbing onto the bed and straddle his hips. She palmed him through his underwear and he bit his bottom lip, refusing to make a sound at the action.

"........I don't want this........please........." He begged, trying harder to move away from her.  He felt his skin be cut deeper and groaned quietly in pain.

"Too bad. You're mine and only mine." She purred, smiling wickedly.

"...I'm not. I don't like you..."

She reached down and hit him across the face so hard that he could taste blood in his mouth.

"What was that? I didn't hear you!"

".........I-I said I love you, sweetheart.........."

"Now that's what I thought I heard." She smiled again, leaning down and kissing his throat. "If I untie you, you have to do as I say."

He nodded once out of fear, allowing her to cut the ties around him.

"You know the drill."

He nodded again and sat up, pulling off her shirt and quickly reaching back to undo her bra. She placed her hands on either side of his throat, kissing quickly and harshly across his skin.

He could feel her hands burning him and knew he couldn't be that close to her, feeling the heat every time they touched. Her normal body temp was between 110 and 115 and every time they had done this before their relationship turned sour, the room had to be cold to counteract for his health. This time it wasn't.

Amelia was all over him, leaving burned handprints and scratches all over his skin as their lips continued to connect and reconnect again. She was pulling his hair and trying to push him closer to the bed, but he was attempting to resist, shakily tying his fingers into her long red hair. He was sweating horribly, though, his body starting to reject against the heat.

"......Am-elia.....we need to stop..........." Alister choked quietly, trying to pull from her grasp.

She sat back and glared at him, seeing the burned skin and his red face, knowing quite well the heat was exhausting him. She grimaced and kept going, continuing to hold onto him and kissing him harder. She was forcing him into the bed and trapping him there, knowing quite well what it was doing to him. Her breath was warm and that alone even burned when she stopped to mark the skin on his chest. He could feel his energy starting to cut out and knew he needed to get away.

".........p-please..........I'm g-gonna pass out..........I n-need to cool off..." He begged, trying to weakly push her off.

She shot up and grabbed his wrist, dragging him towards her bathroom. It was all he could to stay standing, let alone walk.

When they got there, she turned on the shower, making the water as cold and it would go. The drain was closed so it collected, filling the tub with the icy liquid. Her fingers wound into his hair and she threw him onto his knees. "Is this cool enough?!" She shouted, plunging his head into the freezing water.

He fought not to inhale on impact, the cold taking his breath away. He could feel the shower still beating down on his back and when he needed up, he started to shake his head under the water.

Amelia pulled him up, throwing his head into the wall next to him.

"How's that?! You cooled off yet you worthless piece of shit?!"

He bit his lip, knowing better than to answer her.

She pushed him under the water again, sending excess spilling over the edges of the tub. He felt her foot on the back of his skull, trying to hold his breath for as long as possible.

When he failed, he tried his best to get her to let him up but didn't succeed. He inhaled water, soon blacking out completely.


Alister shot up in bed, holding in a scream.

His hands were shaking, feeling his body for the burns he knew weren't there. He bit his lip, trying to hold in the tears that he soon couldn't stop. Even though it was only a dream, it reduced him into a crying panic. He was trying to stay quiet, not wanting to wake Evan up because Alister thought he was overreacting.

However, he did. He heard him crying quietly and turned on the light by their bed to see what was going on.

"......Alister?" Evan sat up next to him, putting a hand on his back and rubbing gently. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked softly, trying to get him to calm down.

" was j-just a dream.....I'm j-just st-stupid........"

"Woah. You're not stupid. And if you were stupid from crying over a dream, you know I'd be an idiot. The amount of times I have woken up in tears or a panic from fire dreams is ridiculous and you know it. It's okay to be upset. What happened?"

Alister held out his shaking hands and Evan grabbed them gently. He saw the ringed scars around his wrists had reddened and he gently ran his thumbs over them.

"It was her.....wasn't it?....." He bit his lip and nodded, holding back another sob. "It's can cry....." He whispered, seeing him struggle to hold it in. He let out a choked cry and leaned into him. Evan wrapped his arms tightly around him, running his fingers calmingly through his bed-ridden hair.

".........I'm sorry.........." Alister murmured quietly, moving his head against his chest.

"Why? Why are you apologizing to me?"

"..........'cuz I woke you don't sleep the best anyway and I feel bad........"

"Alister. Stop."

He looked up from him, not expecting to be scolded in the way he was.

"You always tell me that my emotions are valid and that it's okay to cry and ask for help, but when it comes to you, you throw that advice out the window. I'm here and regardless of whether or not I'm asleep, I will always be ready to listen to your problems and hold you while you cry. Okay?"

".......thanks Evan........."

"Of course. Now cuddle until we fall back to sleep. You'll be alright. You have me..."

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